中島 智章
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.68, no.568, pp.167-171, 2003

The fountains' beauty is very important in Versailles gardens and many efforts were necessary to realize it Among a lot of essays, the Marly Machine pleased best Louis XIV. In this paper, the Machine's architecture, its technological sources and fruits, the Marly Machine's status on the history of mechanical technology are presented and examined. Several drainage arts in the Walloon mines were indeed applied to the Machine composed of fourteen wheels and approximately 250 pumps. It is pointed that its technique was not revolutionary and that the meaning of Marly Machine can not be clarified by the technological research.


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ヴェルサイユ庭園の給水設備について : マルリーの機械の技術と成果 https://t.co/CDJS9JkHaW

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