入江 徹
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.67, no.551, pp.329-334, 2002

This is a study on the exhibition "DECONSTRUCTIVIST ARCHITECTURE" in the Museum of Modern Art on 1988.6.23-8.30 and its background. The purpose of this research is that will make investigation into of the truth about the relationship between J. Derrida and architectural field, between his philosophy "Deconstruction" and architecture. There were some events before the exhibition. In 1986 the exhibition"Violated Perfection" was held in University of Illinois at Chicago. Since 1985 P. Eisenman and Derrida worked together on a section of Tschumi's Parc de La Villette project. The name of the work is Choral Work. Yet in 1988 international symposium on Deconstruction was held by Academy Editions at the Tate Gallery. After going through their events MoMA held the exhibition "DECONSTRUCTIVIST ARCHITECTURE" The method of this research is to investigate the process and cause through the historical discourses and correspondence between them at the time. Through the research on the exhibition and its background, this study will make investigation into of the truth about the relationship between Derrida and architectural field, between his philosophy and architecture. Deconstruction was referred to as the theory to express one of the architectural tendency on 1980's. As a result, especially the exhibition "DECONSTRUCTIVIST ARCHITECTURE" led "Deconstruction" to a fixed image.


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@rstonefield 入江徹 展覧会 : ディコンストラクティビスト・アーキテクチュアとその背景 EXHIBITION "DECONSTRUCTIVIST ARCHITECTURE" AND ITS BACKGROUND http://t.co/L34gIDjmNI

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