石川 由香里 杉原 名穂子 喜多 加実代 中西 祐子
活水論文集. 健康生活学部・生活学科編 (ISSN:13482572)
vol.47, pp.79-107, 2004-03-31

The purpose of this study is to clarify the effects of parenting during child socialization on the following three points. First, describing the transformation of parents' educational awareness and their behavior toward their children as the child grows. Second, whether parents' educational awareness varies according to locality. Third, how gender problems occur. In this paper, we report in four parts : parents-child relationship, parents' educational behavior, parents' thinking of desirous character for their child's future, and parents' educational experience. We relate these themes with children's degree, their locality and gender. Concerning gender, we analyze differences in parents' educational consciousness or educational behavior according to the child's sex. Further, we show that the mother's consciousness of gender is itself prescribed by her social class and educational qualifications, moreover there are correlations between the mother's educational career and her type of work. In different social classes, if people show variation in their awareness of children's education, whether it will be connected to the reproduction of social class.


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おもしろかった。B! 石川由香里・杉原名穂子・喜多加実代・中西祐子(2004)「現代の親の教育意識と教育行動」(PDF) http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110004677380

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