大内田 史郎
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.595, pp.205-211, 2005

The interior of the dome on the original form of Tokyo Station, which was finished with various decorations, was one of the most distinctive features in its design. Despite the fact, there exist a number of unknown facts on the dome design. For example, it has not been clarified yet how the relation between the design, technique, architect, or Kingo Tatsuno, craftsmen, and so on, worked together on the formation of the dome. This paper is to clarify the design of original Tokyo Station and the position of the building among the works by Tatsuno and other architects in those days.


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@petiska この論文の2ページ目の下部に該当の記述があるのですが、はっきりしない印象です… 実際のところどうなんでしょうね。脇のドームレリーフに刀があしらわれているのも解釈に影響しているような気もします。 http://t.co/cUgCcc9D

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