西海 功 柿澤 亮三 紀宮 清子 森岡 弘之
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
vol.43, pp.5-19, 2006

The avifauna of the Imperial Palace Area in Tokyo was monitored by bird censuses nearly in every two months from August 2000 to November 2005. The results were compared with the previous monthly bird census research from April 1996 to March 2000 reported by Nishiumi et al. (2000). The total number of species recorded in the 35 censuses since August 2000 was 64 species, which is composed of 20 residents, 17 winter visitors, 10 transients, and 17 irregular visitors as listed in Appendix 1, but no breeding summer visitors were recoded. In total of these 10 years, 78 species were recorded by censuses. Eleven species among them are newly recorded in this monitoring period since August 2000; Larus argentatus, Sterna sp., Cuculus poliocephalus, Anthus hodgsoni, Anthus spinoletta, Saxicola torquata, Cyanoptila cyanomelana, Terpsiphone atrocaudata, Parus montanus, Sitta europaea, Fringilla montifringilla. Apart from censuses additional 4 species were recorded; Ninox scutulata as a breeding summer visitor and Corvus corone, Fulica atra, Podiceps cristatus as irregular visitors. We found a significant decreasing trend in number of species observed in the bird census during these ten years. The number of individuals was also significantly decreased except for January and individual number of residents was conspicuously decreased, although that of winter visitors was stable or somewhat increased. Moreover, the species diversity showed significantly a decreasing trend in all of odd months.


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@urbanheron @1apis こっちのほうが新しい http://t.co/0CqwFusx 皇居の鳥類相モニタリング調査(2000-2005年)

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