水谷 静夫
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.28, no.2, pp.101-116, 1977-03-20

This essay presents three pieces of small SNOBOL programs: to compose haiku-poems by the kamurizuke plan, to simulate a slot machine for \80 tickets, and to puzzle out "Towers of Hanoi" in a general form. Though such programming itself appears to be only hobby, the emphasis is put upon the meaning of string manipulation as a scientific method which the above programs are based on. The first one was a kind of random generation, the second was, of course, the construction of a non-deterministic finite automaton or a regular grammar, and the third was an application of recursive technique as well-known. Besides, a brief mention is made about aims of programming education for undergraduates of the so-called "literature course".


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@yotii23 https://t.co/rur3FpYMiS Stringの訳語として「連糸」を使う人もおったそうな。
最近読んだ本で string を連糸と訳していたなあとググったら「連糸操作プログラミングの誘ひ」 http://t.co/obBIRy47JU という論文があった

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