清 ルミ
異文化コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:09153446)
vol.15, pp.17-39, 2003-03

研究論文ArticleThis study aims to verify whether actual Japanese way of speaking is reflected in Japanese language textbooks, which are usually considered the model of speech and behavior for foreign students. Expression of understatement could be said to be typical aspect of Japanese speech patterns. In this study I focused on the expression "tumaranaimonodesuga". Scenes involving the giving gifts were analyzed and collated from Japanese language textbooks and compared with the results of surveys held in Shizuoka Prefecture. Through this comparative study I verified the validity of the following three theories. First theory is that Japanese people actually use phrases expressing deference or humility when giving gifts. Second theory is that "tsumaranaimonodesuga" is one of the most typical phrases Japanese people use when giving gifts. Third theory is that the phrases introduced in Japanese language textbooks to describe scenes giving gifts are actually the phrases expressing humility that Japanese most often use. Comparative study showed that while the first theory was proven as valid, the second and third theories were not.


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[日本語教育関連の論文・資料 337] ◇ 「つまらないものですが」考 : 実態調査と日本語教科書との比較から https://t.co/m5SsFIVUcE #日本語教師 #日本語教育 #日本語学校
[日本語教育関連の論文・資料 337] ◇ 「つまらないものですが」考 : 実態調査と日本語教科書との比較から https://t.co/m5SsFIVUcE #日本語教師 #日本語教育 #日本語学校
[日本語教育関連の論文・資料 337] ◇ 「つまらないものですが」考 : 実態調査と日本語教科書との比較から https://t.co/m5SsFIVUcE

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