清 ルミ
異文化コミュニケ-ション研究 (ISSN:09153446)
no.16, pp.1-23, 2004

研究論文ArticleThis study aims to ascertain whether the actual Japanese way of speaking is reflected in Japanese language textbooks and to consider whether Japanese teachers recognize actual Japanese way of speaking, focusing on the phrase "naide kudasai". The comparative pilot research involving Japanese language teachers and persons concerned with medical care led me to frame two hypotheses regarding use of the phrase 'naide kudasai'; the first is that the contents of Japanese textbooks are "imprinted" upon the consciousness of Japanese language teachers, the second is that the real Japanese way of speaking is not evident in the contents of Japanese textbooks. The following surveys and analyses were conducted in order to examine the hypotheses: 1) A comparative survey concerning the usage of 'naide kudasai' among 100 Japanese language teachers in Tokyo and 100 non-teachers drawn from all other professional and non-professional sectors of society in Tokyo. 2) Analyses of the phrase 'naide kudasai' in the top 8 Japanese language textbooks. 3) Analyses of the usage of 'naide kudasai' in; 4 episodes of the famous television drama: "Kita no kuni kara", and in 7 of the "Otoko wa tsurai yo" film series during the 1990s. Both of these dramas have been long term successes with Japanese audiences. Comparative study of the results of the survey and analyses led to the identification of 9 different functions of the phrase 'naide kudasai'. There were clear parallels between the functions that the phrase would most commonly fulfill in the drama and film and in the usage by non-teachers. In contrast when used by teachers and in textbooks, the phrase tended to fulfill different function, mostly of a less emotional nature. The study proved the first hypothesis possible and the second hypothesis valid. This paper suggested that neither the contents of Japanese language textbooks, nor the use of the phrase by Japanese language teachers, are based on the concept of communicative competence.
清 ルミ
異文化コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:09153446)
vol.15, pp.17-39, 2003-03

研究論文ArticleThis study aims to verify whether actual Japanese way of speaking is reflected in Japanese language textbooks, which are usually considered the model of speech and behavior for foreign students. Expression of understatement could be said to be typical aspect of Japanese speech patterns. In this study I focused on the expression "tumaranaimonodesuga". Scenes involving the giving gifts were analyzed and collated from Japanese language textbooks and compared with the results of surveys held in Shizuoka Prefecture. Through this comparative study I verified the validity of the following three theories. First theory is that Japanese people actually use phrases expressing deference or humility when giving gifts. Second theory is that "tsumaranaimonodesuga" is one of the most typical phrases Japanese people use when giving gifts. Third theory is that the phrases introduced in Japanese language textbooks to describe scenes giving gifts are actually the phrases expressing humility that Japanese most often use. Comparative study showed that while the first theory was proven as valid, the second and third theories were not.
清 ルミ Rumi SEI
世界の日本語教育 (ISSN:09172920)
no.16, pp.107-123, 2006

本論は、「コミュニケーション能力」、「コミュニケーション」が日本語教育のキーワードとして浮上している現状を踏まえ、今後の日本語教育の教育方法、教材開発、教員養成のあり方を探ることを前提に、教科書と現実の言語使用の比較考察を行なうものである。具体的には、先行研究において禁止の機能としては使用されない可能性が明らかにされた「ないでください」(以下「な」と記す)を軸に、「な」が禁止表現として扱われる場面・状況と提出されている表現を教科書から抽出し、それと同じ現実場面を選択して、現実の自然発話データを採取する事例研究を行ない、教科書との比較考察を図った。 調査は、医師が患者の行為を制する場面、美術員が写真撮影をしようとしている客を制する場面の2場面実施した。両場面における自然発話データは、前者の場合は看護師に依頼し、後者の場合は調査協力者が実際にカメラを構えることにより発話を引き出して採取し、分析した。その結果、医師の場合は、患者の生命に危険が及ぶ可能性の低い事項を禁ずる場合には共感性の高い心積もり依頼表現、心積もり誘発表現、あたかも依頼表現の使用率が高く、外科において患者を制しなければ患者に致命的な不利益を与える場合には、肯定依頼表現、断定宣告表現、否定依頼表現の使用率の高いことが明らかになった。 一方、美術館員の場合は、100%が謝罪および呼びかけ表現を使用しており、約半数が規則に関する事実陳述以外の禁止理由に言及し、相手が納得しやすく相手の面子を傷つけないための配慮がみられた。また、62%が動詞を使用せず言い切らない形式で相手に行動変容を促していた。動詞を使用した場合も、写真を撮る立場に立っての不可能表現や、注意する立場からの恩恵表現つき不可能表現が使用され、相手への共感を示すことにより丁寧度の高い表現が使用されていた。医師、美術館員いずれのケースも、「な」の使用は1例もみられなかった。本事例研究の結果から、1.「な」が禁止の機能として学習項目化されている現行の教材は適切ではない、2. 禁止の場面においては相手の面子を傷つけない配慮表現が使用される、という二点について今後の教材開発に向けての教育的視点が見出せた。
清 ルミ セイ ルミ Rumi SEI
vol.10, pp.57-73, 1998-03

The purpose of this paper is to identify factors inhibiting communication between Japanese staff and foreign staff members with advanced Japanese language skills (FSAJLS). A survey was conducted from June to November in 1994. 142 employees, both Japanese and FSAJLS, working at 43 companies throughout Tokyo, were surveyed. The survey was intended to examine the causes for barriers in business communicaton between Japanese and FSAJIS and the estimation of the roles of the FSAJLS in their companies. The results are summarized as follows : Both Japanese and FSAJLS found many barriers in the Japanese language skills of the FSAJLS. The main linguistic barrier is their lack of skills in assessing situations correctly and assuming the appropriate speech register in the process of ongoing conversations. Also, the FSAJLS have great psychological difficulties in dealing with the prejudices of the Japanese. As for the roles of the FSAJLS, there is a perception gap between Japanese and FSAJLS. The analysis of the results indicates that the present situation calls for considerable improvement in Japanese companies, by setting up an environment which would accept Japanese speaking foreign staff.
清 ルミ
異文化コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:09153446)
vol.10, pp.57-73, 1998-03

The purpose of this paper is to identify factors inhibiting communication between Japanese staff and foreign staff members with advanced Japanese language skills (FSAJLS). A survey was conducted from June to November in 1994. 142 employees, both Japanese and FSAJLS, working at 43 companies throughout Tokyo, were surveyed. The survey was intended to examine the causes for barriers in business communicaton between Japanese and FSAJIS and the estimation of the roles of the FSAJLS in their companies. The results are summarized as follows : Both Japanese and FSAJLS found many barriers in the Japanese language skills of the FSAJLS. The main linguistic barrier is their lack of skills in assessing situations correctly and assuming the appropriate speech register in the process of ongoing conversations. Also, the FSAJLS have great psychological difficulties in dealing with the prejudices of the Japanese. As for the roles of the FSAJLS, there is a perception gap between Japanese and FSAJLS. The analysis of the results indicates that the present situation calls for considerable improvement in Japanese companies, by setting up an environment which would accept Japanese speaking foreign staff.