増田 憲司 井上 欣三 臼井 英夫 広野 康平 世良 亘
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.111, pp.97-102, 2004

In the congested strait, Traffic route is set up by the Marine Safety Law and other regulations. As for the vessel traffic way, rectification is done by this law. But, the navigation route is restricted. In this area, very large bridge was built. And various arguments had been done about the influence of the pier in the strait by now. As a result, it was arranged outside of Traffic route. And not obstructing the navigation of the vessel is being considered with the pier. On the other hand, bridge construction is planned in the future program for land development by a strait such as Tomogashima channel, Bungo channel, too. In those area is no regulation by the route. Therefore, the existence of the pier becomes an obstacle in navigation because a very large bridge is built in the channel which a vessel navigated freely now. In this research, questionnaire investigation was done for pilots and captain. And research of the behavior consciousness about the route select by the navigation officer in the strait which a pier exists in. It is tried to modeling that how routing by officer though the analysis of the questionnaire


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こんな論文どうですか? 架橋下通航における操船者の行動に関する研究-I : 操船行動のモデル化(増田 憲司ほか),2004 http://t.co/ez7BJagy
こんな論文どうですか? 架橋下通航における操船者の行動に関する研究-I : 操船行動のモデル化(増田 憲司ほか),2004 http://t.co/ez7BJagy
よたねた:論文ったーは今回の選挙に対してそうきたか… QT ronbuntter: こんな論文どうですか? 架橋下通航における操船者の行動に関する研究-I : 操船行動のモデル化(増田 憲司ほか),2004 http://t.co/qhzXSJUv
こんな論文どうですか? 架橋下通航における操船者の行動に関する研究-I : 操船行動のモデル化(増田 憲司ほか),2004 http://t.co/ez7BJagy

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