藤井 義博 Yoshihiro Fujii
藤女子大学紀要 第2部 (ISSN:13461389)
vol.46, pp.43-51, 2009-03-31

The Goal of this study was to reevaluate the physical and mental health education conceived by Kaibara Ekken (1630-1714) in the light of the art of regimen (diaita in ancient Greek) practiced by Hippocrates. Kaibara Ekken was a humanist equipped with expertise both as physician with the art of preventing diseases and as educator with the art of correcting deviation of one's natural disposition. The goal of his health education is compatible with the idea expressed by Plutarch on the health framed by the art of regimen: "There is nothing better than to devote oneself to humane deeds if one is in good health." As the developmental model by A. H. Maslow is a bottom-up order of needs towards transcendental self actualization starting from basic needs of autonomous person, Kaibara Ekken's art of education for body and mind is top-down order of needs towards humane deeds starting from the heart of the transcendental person corresponding with the heart of heaven and earth. The scope of Ekken's art of education for body and mind will open a new way for today's health education and Shokuiku (food and nutrition education).


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今週のヤンマガ侠飯で「病は口より入り禍は口より出ず」ってあったけどこれ儒教由来の言葉か?(僕は儒教で説教する奴は信用できん)僕は偏食ぎみだから身体に合わせて食べよう。あとやっぱ正論は役に立たんと改めて思った。 貝原益軒の養生術 https://t.co/Ky96wQXTvR

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