千葉 ひとみ 知地 英征 Hitomi CHIBA CHIJI Hideyuki 藤女子大学人間生活学部食物栄養学科 藤女子大学人間生活学部食物栄養学科人間生活学研究科食物栄養学専攻
藤女子大学紀要 第2部 (ISSN:13461389)
no.44, pp.31-37, 2007-03-31

小山 充道 Mitsuto KOYAMA 藤女子大学人間生活学部保育学科
藤女子大学紀要 第2部 (ISSN:13461389)
no.48, pp.159-176, 2011-03-31

The graffiti is a psychological act that is close to being instinctive in human beings. In this paper, we analyzed graffiti from nine viewpoints. The subjects comprised 84 undergraduate women enrolled in Childcare courses. All had shown a long-term interest in infants and handicapped children, and had many opportunities to see pictures drawn by children. Subjects were asked to respond to the following nine questions: "When do you draw graffiti?," "Where do you draw graffiti?," "What equipment do you use when you scribble?," "What graffiti do you draw?," "What feelings do you have when drawing graffiti?," "What meaning does the graffiti have for you?," "What meaning does the graffiti have?," "When did you start drawing graffiti?," and "Do you think that there are any differences in the graffiti drawn by children and that by adults?" As a result, we found the following. Subjects tended to draw graffiti simply when the spirit moved them, or when they had time. Graffiti was drawn in the blank spaces of a notebook or on any paper at hand. The subjects usually used a mechanical pencil or pencil to draw graffiti. Many subjects drew pictures of cartoon characters and animals, human faces and so on. The purpose of the graffiti was to kill time or to encourage a change of pace. A majority of subjects responded that they drew graffiti most frequently as a high school student. This was followed in order of frequency by junior high school student, elementary school student, undergraduate and finally infant. After puberty, the use of notebooks increased and there was an increase in subjects who described their motive in drawing graffiti as a diversion.
藤井 義博 Yoshihiro Fujii
藤女子大学紀要 第2部 (ISSN:13461389)
vol.46, pp.43-51, 2009-03-31

The Goal of this study was to reevaluate the physical and mental health education conceived by Kaibara Ekken (1630-1714) in the light of the art of regimen (diaita in ancient Greek) practiced by Hippocrates. Kaibara Ekken was a humanist equipped with expertise both as physician with the art of preventing diseases and as educator with the art of correcting deviation of one's natural disposition. The goal of his health education is compatible with the idea expressed by Plutarch on the health framed by the art of regimen: "There is nothing better than to devote oneself to humane deeds if one is in good health." As the developmental model by A. H. Maslow is a bottom-up order of needs towards transcendental self actualization starting from basic needs of autonomous person, Kaibara Ekken's art of education for body and mind is top-down order of needs towards humane deeds starting from the heart of the transcendental person corresponding with the heart of heaven and earth. The scope of Ekken's art of education for body and mind will open a new way for today's health education and Shokuiku (food and nutrition education).
八島 絵美 藤井 義博 Emi YASHIMA FUJII Yoshihiro 藤女子大学人間生活学部食物栄養学科 藤女子大学人間生活学部食物栄養学科人間生活学研究科食物栄養学専攻
藤女子大学紀要 第2部 (ISSN:13461389)
no.44, pp.13-30, 2007-03-31

本研究の目的は、栄養教育に応用するために、栄養の多次元的必要性(生理的必要性、安全の必要性、帰属の必要性、尊敬の必要性、自己実現の必要性)を評価する新しい尺度を開発することであった。本研究は、以下3つの順番で実施した;(1)57の質問項目からなり、5段階リカートスケールを用いた自己記入式質問票の開発。(2)467名の札幌の小中学校あるいは北海道内の病院において実働している栄養士を対象とした調査票の郵送。(3)因子分析による6因子の同定と解釈:第一因子(ストレス解消型食事因子)、第二因子(アンバランス型食事因子)、第三因子(健康維持型食事因子)、第四因子(ウェルネス志向型食事因子)、第五因子(やせ志向型食事因子)、そして第六因子(自己実現型食事)。今回の探索的因子分析により、食習慣を評価する43項目からなる自己記入式質問票である食習慣判断指標Food Usage Judgment Index(FUJI)が構築された。