李 斗煥 山田 貴之 芝 宏礼 山口 陽 上原 一浩
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. MoMuC, モバイルマルチメディア通信 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.109, no.441, pp.129-134, 2010-02-24

Rapid developments and changes of wireless radio environments require a unified platform which can flexibly deal with various wireless radio systems. To satisfy this requirement, we proposed a heterogeneous network system which is composed of flexible access points and protocol-free signal processing part. As a partial fulfillment of the proposed system, we employ compressed sensing technology to realize a highly flexible and efficient radio wave data reception and transmission. Compressed sensing is a new framework for solving an ill-posed inverse problem of sparse signal. Direct translation of compressed sensing in the sense of wireless technology is as follow: radio wave data can be received, transmitted, and reconstructed using sub-Nyquist rate information without aliasing provided that radio wave is sparse. Considering the scarce usage of frequency resources, compressed sensing is suitable for various scenarios in wireless technology. To provide a full understanding of our approach, we first provide basic knowledge of compressed sensing. Then, describe new radio wave data compression methods which provide a highly efficient radio wave data transmission.


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