笹部 昌利
仏教大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:13405942)
no.8, pp.25-44, 2001-03

The theme of this paper is to analyze the contribution of Sanetomi Sanjo (三条実美) towards the growth of political awareness and its subsequent utilization in his political campaign. Sanetsumu Sanjo (三条実万), Sanetomi's father, and Oribe Tomita (富田織部), a feudatory of his family, were his mentors. His growing involvement with political issues led him to interfer with the personal affairs of the Imperial Court, and to request dispatching a "tyokushi" (勅使) delegation to the Tokugawa Shogunate in Bunkyu 2 (1862). In September of Bunkyu 2 (1862), Sanetomi himself was appointed as tyokushi. As a result of this important appointment, his influence gradualry increased and he secured himself the right to speak in the "tyougi" ( 朝議 ) administration meetings. Sanetomi's infuluence was further boosted when he led a special mission requesting "zyoui"(攘夷) to the Tokugawa Shogunate. His involvement led the Imperial court nobles and state daimyos (大名) to recorgnise. Sanetomi as a leader of the "zyoui" campaign. As a result, his authority in Kyoto was entrenched and deepened by the support of the "Choshu-han Mouri family", as they themselves had vested interest in Sanetomi's influence and "zyoui" campaign. In August of Bunkyu 3 (1863), the Mouri family was expelled from the government. As a result, Sanetomi also decided to settle with the Mouri family in Yamaguchi thereby showing symbolicially his identification with Mauri family struggle for political justice. After the Meiji Restoration, Mouri family was given recognition and political justice for their efforts in the "zyoui" campaign. As a result, Sanetomi's contribution was also acknowledge and he was emerged as a radical politician of modern Japan.


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元治元年7月20日(1864年8月21日)、平野国臣や古高俊太郎が死去。元治甲子戦争(禁門の変)の騒擾の中、六角獄で処刑。笹部昌利「幕末期公家の政治意識形成とその転回」(『仏教大学総合研究所紀要』8)は、三条実美が平野の論策に感銘し、影響を受けていた可能性を指摘。 https://t.co/ZE9L8zItRK
安政6年10月6日(1859年10月31日)、三条実万(三条実美の父親)が死去。安政期の朝廷内で影響力があった。笹部昌利「幕末期公家の政治意識形成とその転回」(『仏教大学総合研究所紀要』8)曰く、息子の三条実美は実万の「体制改革意識の影響を受けて」政治意識を形成した。 https://t.co/ZE9L8zItRK
富田織部、やはり面白いです。神祇官の復興に関しては後に平田学派が主導していくことになりますが、実は文久の改革に萌芽が見られ、更にその素案自体はもっと前から提起されていたと言うことでしょうね。 https://t.co/jiAlAUy179
@machi82175302 笹部さん論考によれば、元々は朝議改革を望んでいた三条実美が、別勅使に選ばれたことで人望を得、また勅書に添えられた別紙の元案となったのが長州藩だったことなどから結びつきを強め、京都で長州が親兵政策を推し進める中で協動的関係になったとありますね。 https://t.co/jiAlAUy179

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