大出 尚子
東洋文化研究 (ISSN:13449850)
vol.14, pp.1-28, 2012-03

This research is a comparative study highlighting the differences between the Government-General Museum of Korea, a museum that served as the national museum of Korea under the"official empire," and the National Museum of Manchukuo that served as the national museum under the"unofficial empire"of Manchukuo. This study specifically focuses on the backgrounds and goals of the museum establishments, building locations, managerial organization, historical accounts of artifacts, and the exhibits of each museum. The relations between each of these areas and the colonial policies affecting each museum were then compared. The result of the analysis of academic sources and historical surveys shows that the displays at the Government-General Musgum of Korea demonstrated the theme"unity of Japan and Korea."Irl contrast, the National Museum of Manchukuo exhibitions were found to focus on goodwill and the strengthening of friendship between Japan and Manchukuo. Despite this, the activities of the National Museum of Manchukuo reflected in changes seen in the exhibitions, were represented by"Manchurian history"that rejected the reinstatement of the Qing dynasty.


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満洲の博物館とはなんという研究。この論文はPDFあり。 大出尚子「日本の旧植民地における歴史・考古学系博物館の持つ政治性 : 朝鮮総督府博物館及び「満州国」国立(中央)博物館を事例として」『東洋文化研究』14、2012 http://t.co/FehnFjLRaB

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