藤井 可
先端倫理研究 : 熊本大学倫理学研究室紀要 (ISSN:18807879)
vol.6, pp.49-63, 2012-03

This paper investigated the stabbing incident of downed B29's soldiers caused by residents in Aso area in Japan (May 5, 1945). First, the information and the time background about this incident were described. Second, the validity of residents' act from a legal standpoint and an ethical standpoint was examined. Finally, the alternative options were proposed. The discussion is aimed at a descriptive-ethical work. In addition, this work should be regarded also as a trial for a new framework that enables local researchers to talk about problems or inequality of their own local community.


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CiNii 論文 -  阿蘇地方の住民によるB29飛行兵殺傷事件に関する一考察 https://t.co/Vslw9JKxqz
@marxindo あとWW2だと脱出したパイロットを住民が追い回すとかあって米兵は勿論だけど、雷電搭乗員が電柱に引っかかって身動きが取れないところを住民が竹やりで惨殺した事件があった筈(ググっても見つからない)。なぉ「住民によるB29飛行兵殺傷事件」https://t.co/QfoIqhCphD

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