幾田 伸司
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.27, pp.215-224, 2012

The purpose of this paper is to clarify what kind of person that the "biography" took up in Japanese Textbooks used at elementary school in Postwar Days, and to consider change of the feature. The tendency of the "biography" in textbooks before the Showa 40s is : 1. Many scholars and artists have been selected, but neither the politician nor the military man have been selected. 2. Civilization and modernization have been affirmed, and many persons who contributed to them, such as inventors and thinkers, have been selected. 3. Study, efforts, and altruistic soul have been emphasized, and the persons who were successful through such a way of life have been selected. 4. The Japanese who have played an active part in the world is selected positively. The tendency of the "biography" in textbooks after the Showa 50s is : 1. The "biography" in textbooks have decreased, and a specific way of life has not been shown. 2. The criticism to civilization or modernization have been emphasized, and the person who fought against inconsistency of modern society, such as pollution and the environmental problem, is selected. 3. The "biography" of Present−day persons have increased, and persons whom children felt familiar have been selected.


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❶ 明治の日本には世界的業績を上げた 医学者がたくさんいたのに、いまだ に野口英世が日本一有名な学者であ る理由 * 【①は関係あると思いますが② ③④はあまり関係ないと思います】 * 野口英世氏が日本で有名な一番の 理由は、小学校国語教科書における 「伝記」教材の採録数上位の人物だ からだと思います。 * また、野口英世氏が小学校国語教科 書における「伝記」教材の採 ...

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