葛西 真記子
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.26, pp.76-87, 2011

The purpose of this study was to develop a Japanese version of the Lesbian, gay, and bisexual affirmative counseling self?efficacy scale (LGB?CSIJ) by analyzing of it reliability and validity across a Japanese sample. The data for this study were collected from a sample comprising 56 first?year and 40 second?year graduate students pursuing Master's degree in clinical psychology. The results indicated that the scale had three?factor construction of the "LGB?related knowledge and assessment," "General clinical psychology knowledge," and"Awareness and seeking outside help," and the reliability and validity of this scale was indicated. Further, there were differences between neither the first?year and second?year students nor male and female students in terms of the three factors. However, the scores of students above 41 years of age or having a background experience of teaching at elementary or secondary schools were higher as compared to those of the students below 25 years of age or having no teaching experince. The younger generation seems to have more experience of seeing LGB people in the society or through media, and that affect their sense of affirmativeness. Therefore, we concluded that an LGB affirmative training program is required and that it is important to offer opportunities to acquire and practice LGB sensitive counseling skills in all training programs.
島宗 理
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13434403)
vol.18, pp.197-204, 2003

島宗 理 清水 裕文
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.21, pp.269-277, 2006

We conducted theoretical analyses on reading comprehension from a behavior analytic point of view. First, reading comprehension is defined as behavioral changes that are caused by function-altering effects of reading text. Then, we inferred the conditions in which such function-altering effects might evolve. At minimum, textual, tact, and intraverbal responding are required, to the verbal stimulus in the text, ideally with equivalence relationships to what is described. Furthermore, autoclitic repertoires such as "A is B" and "if X then Y" seem to be critical for the text to have function-altering effects. Furthermore, for more comprehensive understanding, other supplemental verbal behavior, such as repetition, imagination, and looking up a dictionary seem to be effective problem-solving behavior, which could be explicitly taught. A gap between theoretical and empirical research is found in the investigation of the acquisition process of autoclitic frames, which thus calls for future research.
高原 光恵 津田 芳見
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.27, pp.94-99, 2012

We examined the familiarity degree of the terms that concern the developmental disability in general public and also surveyed their source of information. The participants were 50 commoners, 4 females and 46 males. Many of them were age of 30s. In the questionnaire, there were 20 items including "developmental disability", "autism", "learning disability", "coordinator of special needs education" and so on. We requested participants to evaluate which level a familiarity degree in each word was. Excluding the two subjects' data because there were blanks, we analyzed 48 people's data. In the results, it was shown that most items concerning developmental disability were unfamiliar to general public. This result is different from other research conducted in teachers or welfare workers. It must be examined in other age groups to check whether this tendency is common. We concluded that it is necessary to improve the way of enlightenment for understanding developmental disability, not only for specialists but also for general public.
佐藤 亨
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.22, pp.234-240, 2007

Arson is not a major part of misbehavior of delinquents. However, we should not overlook this type of offence because arson could make a great damage on others' properties or lives at once. It is important to discuss why they commit arson and how we should treat them. This article focuses on motivation of juvenile fire setters. Two arson cases are mentioned and three different kinds of motives are discussed; hate, unhappiness, and reset of unpleasant situation. They may have damaged self-images and unpleasant feelings pile up inside them. Finally, they can not keep such feelings inside and vomit them by fire setting. They could have psychological problems and we must consider how we should treat them to avoid re-offence.
小坂 浩嗣 佐藤 亨 末内 佳代 山下 一夫
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.26, pp.160-170, 2011

This paper examined merits and demerits of naming parents who claim unreasonable things "monster?parents" ased on real cases. And, it described the movement of the educational world about "monster?parent" around 2007, based on newspaper articles and response?manuals made by school boards. Finally, it discussed how eachers should react the situation that it is difficult to have good relation with parents from the viewpoint of School Clinical Psychology.
茂木 俊伸
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.28, pp.343-355, 2013-03-15

This study analyzes "difficult" words that appear in elementary−level Japanese language textbooks. The term "difficult words" here refers to words and expressions that are expected to be difficult to understand for children. This study first categorizes textbook terms based on two criteria : (1) how close or how removed is the term from the children's everyday life and (2) whether or not the term is specific to the subject. It then analyzes how difficult the terms in each category are to understand. Finally, On the basis of the experiences of elementary school teachers, this study analyzes characteristics of 1,795 difficult words taken from elementary−level textbooks.
佐藤 亨
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.21, pp.190-197, 2006

Recently, professionals and general public have been paying attention to sexual offenders. The reasons are (1) sexual offenses may cause seriously disruptive effects on victims, and (2) sexual offenders may keep their offense pattern for long period without appropriate treatment. They have several psychological problems, which are (3) negative self-image, (2) aggression toward females, (3) desire to contact with females, (4) low social skills, and (5) intolerance to stress. Important points in conducting a treatment for sexual offenders are to make sexual offenders motivate to change, and to make clear a process how they make themselves commit sexual offenses.
廣瀬 政雄
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.27, pp.390-404, 2012

The medical student is taught an ideal attitude of the medical doctors through the knowledge of Hippocrates oaths or Ogata Koan when they graduate from university. However, it has not been actual that each student formally thinks about the objection of the letters by digging them down. It has been estimated that the doctors attitude is brewed up naturally during the periods of medical education. However, the lifestyle, the structure of population, social and disease, the medical science and the medical technology have been so changed in recent years that the attitude of the young doctors and the patient is influenced by these changes. This is why the proposal is thrown on the improvement of the medical education. Clinician's research level has declined seriously in the 21st century in the local National Medical Universities, which has been brought about by the change of the training policy, the aim of which has been changed to train the clinical−oriented doctor from to educate the research−oriented doctor. This will be a particularly severe problem because it can become a factor of lowering the level of overall medical science in our country. Tracing predecessors footprints that should be assumed to be a basic philosophy and looking back on the matter of the medical pedagogy may bring up some suggestions on the various problems written above. In this paper, the education system performed in the advanced countries including pedagogy in our country are compared to pick up the idea that will be able to improve the medical education in this country.
齋木 哲郎
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.22, pp.261-273, 2007

啖助・趙匡・陸淳的新春秋学, 従学術上来看, 不僅没有拘束于原有的"春秋公羊伝""春秋穀梁伝""春秋左氏伝"的解釈, 独創出了関于"春秋"的新解釈, 而且, 実践上運用在順宗時期的"永貞革新"運動上, 成了這次革新運動的原理, 也称之為"大中之説". 這篇論文的終究目的是表明了啖助・趙匡・陸淳的春秋学的新解釈応用在政治革新運動的原因和這篇春秋学新解釈的特征等等.
杉浦 裕子 大和 高行 小林 潤司 山下 孝子 丹羽 佐紀
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.26, pp.258-287, 2011

"Romeo and Julietta" is the 25th novel of William Painter's The Palace of Pleasure, Tome 2 (1567), and is one of the sources of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet (1595). Painter's "Romeo and Julietta" is a minor source compared to Arthur Brooke's The Tragicall Historye of Romeus and Juliet (1562), which Shakespeare mainly referred to, and therefore has not been paid much attention to so far. This essay first tries to evaluate Painter's work as the second source of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet by comparing it with Brooke's and Shakespeare's. Through the comparison of each work's introduction of the story, handling of "Fortune", characters of Romeo/Romeus and Juliet/Julietta, and the ending of the story, it is obvious how Shakespeare arranged his sources to make his dramatic version effective for the audience's minds. It can also be seen that Shakespeare is not only under the influence of Brooke's long poetic story, but also had the effects of Painter's simple and compact story in mind. The latter part of this essay is a Japanese translation of Painter's "Romeo and Julietta", which will make it easier to compare Shakespeare's two sources.
幾田 伸司
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.27, pp.215-224, 2012

The purpose of this paper is to clarify what kind of person that the "biography" took up in Japanese Textbooks used at elementary school in Postwar Days, and to consider change of the feature. The tendency of the "biography" in textbooks before the Showa 40s is : 1. Many scholars and artists have been selected, but neither the politician nor the military man have been selected. 2. Civilization and modernization have been affirmed, and many persons who contributed to them, such as inventors and thinkers, have been selected. 3. Study, efforts, and altruistic soul have been emphasized, and the persons who were successful through such a way of life have been selected. 4. The Japanese who have played an active part in the world is selected positively. The tendency of the "biography" in textbooks after the Showa 50s is : 1. The "biography" in textbooks have decreased, and a specific way of life has not been shown. 2. The criticism to civilization or modernization have been emphasized, and the person who fought against inconsistency of modern society, such as pollution and the environmental problem, is selected. 3. The "biography" of Present−day persons have increased, and persons whom children felt familiar have been selected.
小原 豊
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.22, pp.206-215, 2007

The purpose of this study is to identify the multiplier effect in elementary school students from 4th to 6th grades who had already learned multiplication, and to investigate how to overcome it. For this purpose, we set the two viewpoints of i) the consciousness about the size relation of multiplier, multiplier, and product, and ii) the relation with results of ×0 and ×1, and a questionnaire investigation for students is carried out in order to inquire the feature and tendency of their understanding. According to the questionnaire for 638 students in four elementary schools, it checked that multiplier effect was especially seen in the 4th and 5th grade students. Moreover, in order to explore the cause, the consciousness of students who show the multiplier effect was followed up by using the selection problem and case method. These results showed that (1) the students who show multiplier effect especially tends to take notice of the size relation between multiplier and multiplier. (2) leanings of ×0 and ×1 could not prevent the belief "becoming large whenever it multiply", and these suggested that the consistent consideration of supports in teaching of integer, rational numbers, proportion and ratio was required.
立岡 裕士
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.32, pp.348-448, 2017-03-10

Hudoki, chorographies compiled in each provances in ancient Japan, is regarded as compilation of tales in modern Japan. Hudoki has been rewritten for children since the eraly 20th Century. Hudoki has low reputation as literary classics, those juvenile works usually hold only a part of tale−books named such as Japanese old tales, seldom having the word Hudoki in their title. This author tried to compile a list of those juvenile works and clarified the original articles in Hudoki for each work.
原田 昌博
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.29, pp.295-317, 2014-03-14

Der Zweck dieser Abhandlung ist die Propagandaarbeiten der Nationalsozialisten in Berlin in der Spätphase der Weimarer Republik aufzuklären, nachdem ich die Beziehungen zwischen der „Straße" und der Politik in Betracht ziehe.In der Weimarer Republik, in der die Umwandlung von der rationalen „bürgerlichen Öffentlichkeit" zur emotionalen „Straßen−Öffentlichkeit" deutlich geworden war, wurden die nach dem ersten Weltkrieg gegründeten neuen Parteien wie beispielsweise die NSDAP und die KPD zu den Hauptakteuren im „Krieg der Symbole"(G.Paul)auf der Straße. Dabei hatte Joseph Goebbels die Wichtigkeit dieses Krieges sogleich bemerkt. Dafür ist symbolisch, dass in Berlin die nationalsozialistischen Propagandaarbeiten nach der Ernennung Goebbels zum Gauleiter Groß−Berlins im November 1926 viel aktiver wurden. Goebbels zielte auf die „Eroberung der Straßen" Berlins durch die Propagandaarbeiten, wie u.a. die großen Massenversammlungen(insbesondere im Sportpalast), die Aufmärsche der Sturmabteilung der NSDAP (SA), die LKW−Fahrten durch die Innenstadt oder die „Frühpropaganda" am Sonntagmorgen usw. zeigen. Zudem waren diese Aktivitäten von Uniformen, Fahnen, Rufen und Liedern, also den politischen Symbolen, begleitet. Die Behörden und die Polizei versuchten in den frühen 30er Jahren die Propagandaarbeiten der NSDAP und SA zu untersagen. So wurden in Berlin die Versammlungen und Demonstrationen unter freiem Himmel oder das Tragen einer Uniform der SA im öffentlichen Raum wiederholt sowohl durch das Polizeipräsidium als auch durch das preußische Ministerium des Innern verboten, da sie immer wieder als Anlässe für politische Zusammenstöße genutzt wurden.Bei den nationalsozialistischen Propagandaarbeiten spielte die SA eine wichtige symbolische Rolle. Deshalb war sie für Goebbels die „aktivste Propagandatruppe". Die nationalsozialistischen Propagandaarbeiten hatten sich mit der politischen Gewalt leicht verbinden lassen. Am Anfang der 1930er Jahre kam es zu beinahe täglichen Kämpfen zwischen der SA und den politischen Gegnern. Dabei kann diese politische Gewalt als eine Art Propaganda angesehen werden, die für die Jungen eine „Attraktivität" bot. In diesem Sinne kann man sagen, dass die Nationalsozialisten während der Weimarer Zeit umfassende Propagandaarbeiten auf der Straße entfalteten.
今田 雄三
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.29, pp.199-214, 2014-03-14

The author dealt with the psychologies and activities of Japanese high school students 50 years ago through watching a movie in the graduate course of training clinical psychotherapists. Graduate students were asked for feedback in self-assessment forms and free descriptions if they could empathize with the movie characters. As a result, most students could understand empathically, although some details about the past daily lives were hard to comprehend. However, the empathy was tend to be difficult if they could not found common elements in their own experiences and feelings. It is necessary to train the students' capacity of adequate understanding if they have little in common with the situations.
麻生 多聞
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.28, pp.368-376, 2013-03-15

This Paper starts consideration from a viewpoint how the political liberalism by John Rawls should be interpreted in a relation with Imanuel Kant. I try to show first that such the political liberalism should be interpreted not as to sets neither social stability nor social order as the first purpose, but contains dynamic process in which the people's active political autonomy is searched for. And I try to show that although it refuse civic humanism and sometimes private autonomous values may be put on predominance from public political autonomy, it does not eliminate a political questions or does not aim at abandonment of political philosophy. And this paper try to show that If the political liberalism by Rawls may be interpreted as such, such argument by Rawls can be connected with the argument that the article9of the Constitution of Japan should be interpreted as to abandon all military powers and all wars include war for self−defense.
木原 資裕 櫛木 雄介
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.27, pp.370-382, 2012

The word "Koshien" has come to mean the sacred ground which not only signifies a mere ballpark, but also the highest place where high school baseball players gather to play the game. It is said that newspapers, or what is called "the best−selling everyday media," had given a great impact to form the Koshien event till the1960s when TV sets started to spread over Japan as another influential media. It is a well−known fact that high school baseball at the Koshien has been taken up on a large scale by newspapers and TV programs since then. This study aims to clarify how differently high school baseball at Koshien is treated from other sports based on the empirical data such as the newspaper coverage areas, TV broadcasting times, and so on. The areas of sports coverage in Asahi Shimbun, the Tokushima newspaper, and Yomiuri Shimbun were measured focusing on the month of August when the High School Baseball Championship was held at Koshien, and compared to other sports events. The result shows a peculiar tendency in the difference of the treatment between All−Japan High School Baseball Championship games and the inter−high school championship games of other sports which are similar national sports events for high school students. In TV broadcasts, high school baseball at the Koshien has received exceptional treatment as well as in newspapers. These media treatments have been influencing the ardent high school baseball fans till now, and at the same time, the amount of the newspaper and TV coverage has continually increased.
末内 佳代
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.24, pp.119-129, 2009

In the second study,6 teachers qualified as clinical psychologists were interviewed based on the results of the first study. Despite of many difficulties, such as limitation of working hours, the position on the brink between as a clinical psychologist and a student's consultant, the lack of awareness of their specialty by school managers, the survey was conducted. We mainly focused the following3points;(1) the way of having relationship with students and their parents,(2) the way of involving with school managers and their colleagues,(3) the way to approach their community.Results revealed that the teachers work hard and use their flexibilities as "specialists in human communication" (Kawai,2001) in their classrooms, especially in special supportive education, school counseling rooms, and local communities. Moreover, they try very hard to facilitate interactions with students, parents, school staffs, and people from other organizations and they work consistently.
山下 一夫 末内 佳代 小坂 浩嗣
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.24, pp.108-118, 2009

The field survey, named as Survey I, was conducted at schools of all three levels as well as specialneeds schools in order to analyze present situations. These studies were carried out to investigate the present situation and issues about the teachers qualified as clinical psychologists who finished the Graduate School of Naruto Univesity of Education.The questionnaire was focused on teachres' works, worries, worthwhile activities among school management and their shifts of minds and benefits after acquiring their qualification as a clinical psychologist. Questionnaires were given to 34 teachers, at schools of all three levels, and special-needs schools and 21 answers were received. (response rate of 62%). The results from the survey were as follows:(1) 76% of the respondents were aged over 40, (2) most of them work as "an educational consultant" (42%) and "a coordinator for special supportive education" (32%), (3) 84% of schools have a guidance or counseling room at their own schools, (4) most of their activities as clinical psychologists are counseling and community psychological supports for schools and their local communities, on the other hand, psychological assessments and research activities were not often conducted as a part of their works, (5) the limitation of their working hours and their positions on the brink between a clinical psychologist and a student's consultant at school are their major concerns, (6) the worthwhile activities in their works were to make their students or their parents change their feelings by their approach, (7) their shifts of minds can be found inthe way of having relationship with students and their parents using clinical psychological approach.