西園 芳信
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.27, pp.311-318, 2012

The aim of this paper is to suggest a curriculum or guidance method for art education materials in schools through making the way of thinking in Dewey's Art Experience classification clear. Dewey takes a classification way of thinking through the medium of art. From this standpoint, there are two main groups : the automatic arts which use the medium of the body(e.g. dancing, singing, etc.)and the shaping art(e.g. sculpture, architecture, etc.)which mainly exist outside of the body. Then, Dewey says that quality shown through the differences in the artistic medium will be unique, however, the quality shown is not classed in black and white, but has continuity. Following this, taking a continuous way of thinking as an artistic experience is important in the music and art materials of schools.


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「カントが純粋な直観形式として空間と時間とを区別したそれを拠り所にするもので、我々の感覚は、アプリオリにこの時間と空間に規制されているかぎり、芸術現象もまた…」J.デューイの芸術論にみる芸術の分類についての考え方 西園芳信 https://t.co/nqTvD3XQn6

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