渡辺 英夫
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要. 人文科学・社会科学 = Memoirs of Faculty of Education and Human Studies, Akita University. 秋田大学教育文化学部編集委員会 編 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.68, pp.130-120, 2013-03

The general of Tokugawa shogunate gave daimyos "Ryochi-hannmotsu", the certificate of the governance on the region and "Ryochi-mokuroku", which describes the contents of the region. However, Ryochi-hannmotsu from the first general Ieyasu Tokugawa to Daimyo Satake in 1602 did not contain "Kokudaka", the size of the region. Daimyo Satake got Ryochi-hannmotsu and Ryochi-mokuroku for the first time from the fourth general Ietsuna Tokugawa in 1664. Although the kokudaka in the Ryochi-hannmotsu was 200000-koku, the sumu of the kokudaka at each district described in the Ryochi-mokuroku was 199320-koku. This paper focused on this discrepancy for the first time and provided the premise to investigate the 200000-koku region of Daimyo Satake assured by the general.


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秋田藩佐竹氏の表高二〇万石について(2012) https://t.co/Bjyg0bCxOF

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