佐藤 忍
野生生物保護 (ISSN:13418777)
vol.14, no.1, pp.31-42, 2013

In contemporary Japan, in order to ensure the sustainability of resources, the traditional practice of hunting is on the decline; this perspective on hunting wild animals is related to conveying a symbolic message to people living in the urban areas. In this report, I comprehensively investigate the concept of "attachment" or "kindness" to animals and try to verify whether the "Matagi" (bear hunters), who still practice traditional hunting in Japan, can be considered cruel. Once, I caught it at a place far away from a hunting area, and they were brought together and discussed. The object reached active hunters, retired hunters, wives, schoolchildren, educators, myself, and many others. Although, hunting appears to be a cruel act, to hunters, hunting comes naturally. However, they are only hunting their feeling are such kinds. We should bear in mind that hunting involves not just the killing of animals but also some special activities closely related to his occupation. I believe that an understanding of wild animals existing among people in the context of Japan's biodiversity would aid the development of the nation.


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こんな論文どうですか? マタギは非情な人間か : 小国猟師の本音と小中学生のウサギ狩りから学ぶこと(佐藤 忍),2013 https://t.co/4eBN4wP9d2

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