小山 陽平
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. II, 社会・自然科学 (ISSN:13426370)
vol.47, pp.171-189, 2013

"SYSTEMA" is Russian martial arts. The purpose of this study was to investigate the educational value of "SYSTEMA" in physical education at a Japanese university. 33 Japanese university students who had participated in SYSTEMA training in gym class once a week (total of 15 times) filled out questionnaires based on free description. The text data obtained from the questionnaire results were analyzed using KJ method.The educational values of Russian martial arts "SYSTEMA" were summarized as follows : (1)Some students had the opportunity to understand their mental and physical conditions. (2)There were new experiences that some students had never experienced. (3)SYSTEMA training could help develop some students' characters. (4)Some students learned how to cope with stress through SYSTEMA training.


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あら、こんなのあったかしら。見落としてた「ロシア武術システマの教育的価値に関する一考察」http://t.co/Oet82rDQN9 しかし学生の「今までの体育と違い、体のためになる動きを学ぶことが出来てとても新鮮だった」て感想はちょっとまずいだろ、体育

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