細谷 瑞枝 Mizue Hosoya
茨城キリスト教大学紀要 I,人文科学 = Journal of Ibaraki Christian University (ISSN:13426362)
vol.50, pp.77-94, 2016

In diesem Aufsatz wird das Verhaltnis zur unirdischen Welt in europaischen Marchen mit dem Vergleich zwischen den Marchentypen ATU 710 "Our Lady's Child" und ATU314 "Goldner" behandelt. Die beiden Marchen haben das Motiv der ,verbotenen Kammer' und die gleiche Konstruktion; Die Hauptfigur muss ihr Elternhaus verlassen und einem ubernaturlichen Wesen wie der Gottesmutter oder dem Damon dienen. Sie ubertritt dessen Verbot, in eine Kammer einzutreten, und muss deshalb diese unirdiesche Welt verlassen. In der irdischen realen Welt beweist sie im Schloss bei eimen Konig ihre Fahigkeit, besteht eine Probe und lebt als Konig(in) glucklich.Trotz dieser Gemeinsamkeit kann man das Erlebnis in der verbotenen Kammer beim Marchen ATU710 als ein numinoses Erlebnis, und das beim ATU314 als eine Initiation interpretieren. Das magische Pferd, das die Hauptfigur von ATU314 in der verbotenen Kammer gesehen hat, symbolisiert, dass sie die Probe der Initiation erfolgreich bestanden hat. Und es ist ein Merkmal der europaischen Variante von ATU314, dass das Pferd tief in der unirdischen Welt, sogar in der verbotenen Kammer eingeschlossen ist, wahrend das Pferd von der asiatischen Variante zwar magisch, aber wie gewohnlich im Stall auf der irdischen Welt ist.
小山 陽平
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. II, 社会・自然科学 (ISSN:13426370)
vol.47, pp.171-189, 2013

"SYSTEMA" is Russian martial arts. The purpose of this study was to investigate the educational value of "SYSTEMA" in physical education at a Japanese university. 33 Japanese university students who had participated in SYSTEMA training in gym class once a week (total of 15 times) filled out questionnaires based on free description. The text data obtained from the questionnaire results were analyzed using KJ method.The educational values of Russian martial arts "SYSTEMA" were summarized as follows : (1)Some students had the opportunity to understand their mental and physical conditions. (2)There were new experiences that some students had never experienced. (3)SYSTEMA training could help develop some students' characters. (4)Some students learned how to cope with stress through SYSTEMA training.
二瓶 恵 Nihei Megumi 茨城キリスト教大学
茨城キリスト教大学紀要 1 人文科学 (ISSN:13426362)
no.44, pp.37-57, 2010

Dix-sept reformes de l'orthographe franciase ont ete procedees entre 1650 et 1835. Cette renovation orthographique a purifie la langue francaise de l'epoque des debris du latin. Grace a elle, les bases du francais moderne ont ete batis par degres. A trevers des divers evenements importants, comme l'ordonnance de Villers-Cotterets, l'invention de l'impression typographique, la fondation de l'Academie francaise et l'enseignement public a titre gratuit, la langue francaise s'est repandue graduellement dans toutes les couches sociales de la France comme une seule langue commune et officielle. Notre but dans cet article est parcourir cette evolution et montrer comment l'orthographe francaise a ete modernisee.
平塚 謙一 Kenichi Hiratsuka
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. 2, 社会・自然科学 (ISSN:13426370)
no.48, pp.201-214, 2014

The social constructionism opened a new ground level about needs understanding.However, the problem of the needs which are not expressed on the other hand was radicalized further.In this paper, in order to build the logic for satisfying the needs which are not expressed,theoretical consideration was performed.
長島 正浩 Masahiro NAGASHIMA
茨城キリスト教大学紀要 = Journal of Ibaraki Christian University (ISSN:13426370)
vol.49, pp.209-221, 2015

The publication of the gift certificate with the premium by each local government is prosperous recently.This paper reports various legal problems about the resale of the gift certificate.It is very important to local government that I inspect whether it violates a law to resell a giftcertificate.The gift certificate with the premium isprepaid paymentinstruments.However,the Payment Services Act is not applied to the gift certificate.Therefore,they should protect the person using some kind of methods if a gift certificate publisher prohibits the resale of the person who purchased it.
青木 茂男 Sigeo Aoki
茨城キリスト教大学紀要 II,社会・自然科学 = Journal of Ibaraki Christian University (ISSN:13426370)
vol.48, pp.171-189, 2014

The DCF is the primary valuation method applied for the tender offers, followed by the relative valuation method. Rarely used are replacement value method, relative trading method,DDM, and discounted earnings method. The DDM is applied only for financial institutions. The results of the valuation are shown by a monetary value within a certain range, and multiple results are shown instead of one that is a result of integrating various results. It differs from the judicial precedents that indicate an exact monetary amount by integrating several valuation results. The residual income model (RIM), considered crucial in finance theory, is not applied to the tender offers. The tender offer price often exceeds the upper limit of the range indicated by the relative valuation method or stock market price method, on the other hand, 90% of the amount ranges of the DCF are within the tender offer price. Influencing factors that enlarge the amount range for the DCF include discount rate and terminal values, among others. This enlarged range leads to decreased reliability of the valuation method
江尻 桂子 松澤 明美 Keiko Ejiri Akemi Matsuzawa
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. II, 社会・自然科学 = Journal of Ibaraki Christian College. I, Humanities, II, Social and natural sciences (ISSN:13426370)
vol.47, pp.153-160, 2013

The present study discusses workforce participation and family income of households with mothers who take care of children with disabilities. We collected data from 103 Japanese mothers of children with disabilities using a questionnaire survey. The results showed that they face more difficulties in participating in paid work, and their households have lower family incomes compared to mothers of children without disabilities. On the basis of these results, we discuss the importance of providing financial and other support for families who take care of children with disabilities.
青木 茂男 Sigeo Aoki
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. II, 社会・自然科学 = Journal of Ibaraki Christian College. I, Humanities, II, Social and natural sciences (ISSN:13426370)
vol.47, pp.143-151, 2013

ROA and ROE of Japanese companies are lower when compared to those in England, France,Germany and the US. When ROA is analyzed separately by operating profit/sales and sales/total assets, the latter is at a similar level of companies in these countries, however, the former is lower. It is due to both the low sales price and high products cost in Japan. Low priced merchandises are led by the wide availability of similar products among various competitors and little product differentiation among them. Low productivity leades to the high product cost, and it is partially due to the delayed application of ICT. The root cause is, however, considered to be the the company culture of Japan that accepts the low profitability even with the marginal profit,and due to lack of pressure for the management by the institutional investors.
小山 陽平 Youhei Koyama
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. II, 社会・自然科学 = Journal of Ibaraki Christian College. I, Humanities, II, Social and natural sciences (ISSN:13426370)
vol.47, pp.171-189, 2013

"SYSTEMA" is Russian martial arts. The purpose of this study was to investigate the educational value of "SYSTEMA" in physical education at a Japanese university. 33 Japanese university students who had participated in SYSTEMA training in gym class once a week (total of 15 times) filled out questionnaires based on free description. The text data obtained from the questionnaire results were analyzed using KJ method.The educational values of Russian martial arts "SYSTEMA" were summarized as follows : (1)Some students had the opportunity to understand their mental and physical conditions. (2)There were new experiences that some students had never experienced. (3)SYSTEMA training could help develop some students' characters. (4)Some students learned how to cope with stress through SYSTEMA training.
平田 正吾 奥住 秀之 国分 充

立木 徹 伏見 陽児 Tatsuki Toru Fushimi Yohji 茨城キリスト教大学生活科学部 千葉大学教育学部
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. II, 社会・自然科学 = Journal of Ibaraki Christian University. II, Social and natural sciences (ISSN:13426370)
vol.42, pp.269-285, 2008-01-01

Nankichi Niimi's literary masterpiece, Gongitsune, serves as standard educational material for teaching Japanese in many Japanese primary schools. The protagonist is a little fox named Gon who lives on the outskirts of a village and plays pranks on the villagers. One day Gon releases fish from a net set by Hyoju, a villager, and steals Hyoju's, eels. After Hyoju's mother passes away, Gon realizes Hyoju caught the eels for his ailing mother and regrets stealing the eels. He then returns under cover to Hyoju's house with chestnuts and mushrooms in order to atone for his misdeed. When Gon sneaks into Hyoju's house, Hyoju misunderstands Gon's intent and shoots him. Finding the chestnutssoon after, Hyoju realizes Gon's gifts were for him. The narrative closes with Hyoju exclaiming "Gon, was it you who always brought chestnuts for me?" Some readers think that Hyoju understands Gon's intention of compensation for depriving Hyoju's mother of the eels. Read properly, Hyoju clearly does not understand Gon's intention and feelings and the misunderstanding occurs. Tatsuki & Fushimi (2003, 2004) conducted three experiments to reconfirm the erroneous interpretation of university students and attempt to correct the misinterpretation. Results suggested, however, that the subject's erroneous interpretation of Gongitsune did not improve and was not corrected. The purpose of this study was to attempt again to correct the misinterpretation, and the authors conducted three experiments. In Experiments 1, the student subjects presented and discussed their opinions. In Experiment 2, the authors explained that Hyoju's perspective differed from that of Gon. In Experiment 3, the investigators interviewed the subjects in a semi-structured method. The results suggested that the subjects still thought that Hyoju understood Gon's compensatory intention. The subjects' erroneous interpretation of Gongitsune did not improve and was not corrected. The authors determined the subjects' misreading of the text was result of reader's intuitive, sentimental reading and confusing the facts with their inferences.
掛川 富康 Tomiyasu KAKEGAWA
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. 1, 人文科学 (ISSN:13426362)
no.51, pp.73-87, 2017

民主的なワイマール体制も30年代からその問題を露呈させてくる。ロマニスト,E. R. Curtiusは,警告の書「危機に立つドイツ精神」(32年)において,伝統的教養に対する時代の憎悪に警告を発し,その救済の視線をラテン中世に注ぎ始める。文学者Thomas Mannは,「戦闘的フマニスムス」を唱える。古典学者W. Jaegerは,パイデイアとキリスト教思想の統合を図る。フランスの歴史家H.-I.Marrouは,ホメロス以来のヒューマニズムと中世キリスト教思想のなかに,戦後の文化形成の可能性を祈念する。E. Gilsonは,そのトミズム理解を基礎に,人間のラチオナールな思惟能力のうちに人間性の基礎を求める。ボン大学のロマニスト,Curtiusは,ホメロスの叙事詩のなかに人間性の再生の原点を見ようとする。渡辺一夫は,16世紀フランスのラブレーの文学に専心し,新教と旧教の対立に見られる宗教的狂気に抗してユマニスムに視線を注ぐ。戦後に現れたヒューマニズムへの回帰は,多くの場合,ホメロスの叙事詩の中にフマニスムスと文学性の根源的連関を確認しているが,このような時代の中で,ロマニストE. Auerbachは,創世記とホメロスの叙事詩を嚆矢とする西洋の(通時的)文学史を,キケロの三文体論とキリスト教による並行的文体及び謙抑体との交錯という視点から考察する(「ミメーシス」47年)。ヘブライ・キリスト教思想の中に宿る,日常性と悲劇とを統一して理解する文体の可能性をとらえ,旧約聖書・創世記や新約聖書の日常ギリシャ語(所謂のコイネー)の中に,三文体論では見られなかった新しい現実描写の可能性を認知する(様式混合Stilmischung)。この様式混合は,後年19世紀フランス文学のリアリズム(スタンダール,バルザック,フローベール)の中で再生したとされる。10年後の「中世の読者と言語」(58年)においては,古代の教養を受領したロマンス語圏と異なってドイツ文学とその地におけるフマニスムスの不毛性が指摘される。俗ラテン語(Gregor von Tour)も未成長にとどまったとされ,カール大帝によって招来されたラテン語文化の復興も,神学・典礼・法学を担う社会上層部に限定され,文学言語としての生命力を秘めた俗ラテン語や民族語には無縁であったと判断される。18世紀後半いらいのドイツ特有の歴史主義によって,GoetheやSchillerにおいて新しい文学的覚醒が見られたが,新しい社会の現実には,無力であり,その無力さは,Ciceroの文体による(閉鎖的な)現実理解の突破を可能とした様式混合が見られない事実と対応するとされる。戦後のドイツ・ロマニストの業績の一つは,ゲルマンの地においては,文学性とフマニスムスが歴史的に未成熟であることを指摘したことであろう。
青木 茂男 Aoki Sigeo 茨城キリスト教大学
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. II, 社会・自然科学 = Journal of Ibaraki Christian University. II, Social and natural sciences (ISSN:13426370)
vol.45, pp.199-210, 2011-01-01

As stock valuation methods became diverse and multiple, cases of disputes in court increased. This paper aims to deepen the valuation theory by reviewing various judicial precedents in Japan through the following key questions: Which valuation methods are supported in disputes? How have such supports changed over the years? What is the level of acceptance of the DCF method in cases of disputes? What are the differences in dealing with stock valuation between listed and non listed stocks? How are stocks valued in recent judicial precedents? What are the issues concerning taxation? The paper also contributes to an area of accounting and finance which lacks researches of the valuation methods in judicial precedents in Japan.
銭谷 秋生 Akio Zeniya
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. I, 人文科学 = Journal of Ibaraki Christian University. I, Humanities (ISSN:13426362)
vol.40, pp.89-106, 2006-01-01

Thomas Nagel argues in The Possibility of Altruism that just as there are rational requirements on thought, there are rational requirements on action, of which altruism is one. According to Nagel, the altruism, that is a willingness to act in consideration of the interests of other persons without needing ulterior motives, is not to be confused with general affection for humanity. Altruism is not a feeling, but a rational requirement on desire and action, which one can't refuse in so far as one can recognize the reality of other persons and have the capacity to regard oneself as merely one individual among many. Can this claim be justified rationally? This article summarizes and examines the arguments for Nagel's claim. There are ethical views denying the rationality of altruism. The typical views are, according to Nagel, egoism and practical solipsism. He discusses these ethical views and tries to refute them. This article also examines his rebuttal, thereby clarifying the foundation of his own ethical theory.
坂倉 有紀 大貫 和恵 会田 さゆり Yuki Sakakura Kazue Onuki Sayuri Aita
茨城キリスト教大学紀要 II.社会・自然科学 = Journal of Ibaraki Christian University II. Social and natural sciences (ISSN:13426370)
vol.52, pp.113-122, 2018

The attention to the impact of dietary interventions, such as diet or nutritional supplements,on chronic diseases has been increasing. Several meta-analyses have shown the effectiveness of the Mediterranean diet on chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.In this paper, we introduce those dietary interventions and the benefits of the Mediterranean diet. Furthermore, we developed a Mediterranean meal plan for dysphagia. The Mediterranean meal plan for dysphagia shows high contents of dietary fiber and monounsaturated fatty acids compared with the Japanese meal plan for dysphagia.
小幡 幸和 Yukikazu OBATA
茨城キリスト教大学紀要 I.人文科学 = Journal of Ibaraki Christian University I. Humanities (ISSN:13426362)
vol.54, pp.41-50, 2020

In this paper I investigate how Masunori HIRATSUKA (1907-1981) viewed the theory of teaching profession in relation to his understanding of Christianity. A well-known Japanese education scholar who served as Professor of Kyushu University, Director of Japan’s National Institute for Educational Research, and the head of the Education Sector of UNESCO, Hiratsuka was also the son of a Japanese Christian pastor who served in Tokyo. After reviewing the life of Hiratsuka especially by noting his religious involvement and understandings, I focus on three areas that are emphasized in contemporary discussions on the theory of teaching profession, namely: 1) the importance of character, 2) the need for learning continually as teachers, and the global awareness teachers ought to have. I examine how Hiratsuka tackled these issues in light of his views on religion and Christianity.
江尻 桂子
