麻生 多聞
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.28, pp.368-376, 2013-03-15

This Paper starts consideration from a viewpoint how the political liberalism by John Rawls should be interpreted in a relation with Imanuel Kant. I try to show first that such the political liberalism should be interpreted not as to sets neither social stability nor social order as the first purpose, but contains dynamic process in which the people's active political autonomy is searched for. And I try to show that although it refuse civic humanism and sometimes private autonomous values may be put on predominance from public political autonomy, it does not eliminate a political questions or does not aim at abandonment of political philosophy. And this paper try to show that If the political liberalism by Rawls may be interpreted as such, such argument by Rawls can be connected with the argument that the article9of the Constitution of Japan should be interpreted as to abandon all military powers and all wars include war for self−defense.


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