廣瀬 政雄
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.28, pp.461-495, 2013-03-15

It is closely related to a success of a lesson whether students are interested in a content of health, since the students of a teachers college do not necessarily become medical specialists. While the number of times of a lesson is restricted, it is impossible to follow in footsteps and to perform the lecture system currently performed in the medical school. Therefore, it is necessary in quality and quantity to build the health education from a viewpoint of differing. Moreover, although students are considered to be interested in medical research, an education effect will not be acquired if the level of a lecture is high superfluously. On the contrary, even if a practical lesson like home medicine is performed, it is not expectable for the students to reach sufficient level in an understanding and applicable side without a medical base. Moreover, it is difficult to pull a participant's interest too in the content which is completely unrelated to the actual condition of a healthy level or a sick tendency of our country. Therefore, it is necessary to build a content combined rudimentary medicine bases such as human body structure and physiology metabolism with practical health education, in order that the participants can use it for the improvement of their health. The health information reported to an ordinary person can be useful level of health information for the students. Because they are based on current events and the contents of a report are also processed by the level which can be understood by an ordinary person, it is expectable that they bring up a student's interest and are helpful for a better understanding. Then, the latest health information reported on the websites was analyzed by the medical standpoint, and the tendency and usefulness of the report were considered.


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