今田 雄三
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.29, pp.199-214, 2014-03-14

The author dealt with the psychologies and activities of Japanese high school students 50 years ago through watching a movie in the graduate course of training clinical psychotherapists. Graduate students were asked for feedback in self-assessment forms and free descriptions if they could empathize with the movie characters. As a result, most students could understand empathically, although some details about the past daily lives were hard to comprehend. However, the empathy was tend to be difficult if they could not found common elements in their own experiences and feelings. It is necessary to train the students' capacity of adequate understanding if they have little in common with the situations.


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こんな論文どうですか? 映画鑑賞を用いた過去の青年期像への共感的理解の試み : 映画『コクリコ坂から』を題材とした大学院授業の実践から(今田 雄三),2014 https://t.co/PIU8dEAoUW

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