阿部 敦 渡邊 かおり
奈良女子大学社会学論集 (ISSN:13404032)
vol.20, pp.53-64, 2013

This study aims to comprehend the treatment of social science subjects in the social welfare curriculum of Japan. As a result of the study, the following points became clear:(1) The social science subjects occupied an important place in the curriculum before WWII.(2) This trend was still applicable to the first few years after the end of WWII.(3) After 1948, many social science subjects were excluded from the curriculum by the influence of Florence Brugger (Chief of Social Work Training Branch, Welfare Div., Public Health and Welfare Sec., GHQ/SCAP).(4) A complete revision of the curriculum for certified social workers in 1987 has further ingrained this trend.


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②社会事業教育における社会科学の視点 : 戦前・戦後のつながりに注目して https://t.co/pxrxH8tn0r #CiNii

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