高畑 常信
徳島文理大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02869829)
vol.89, pp.(1)-(28), 2015-03

Gui (鬼) and Shen (神) are the ancestral souls and gods of a mountain or river. Guai, (怪), Li (力), Luan (乱), and Shen (神) are gods that use a supernatural creature, which revolts against order, and mountains and rivers. Kongzi (孔子) prayed to these deities and taught people to obtain happiness and profits through their own efforts without asking for such. However, many people thing that they would like to obtain happiness simply without having a longing for the things with the "mystical supernatural power" which man cannot know, and without going through a painful struggle. Although Kongzi (孔子) taught the ideal in opposition to many people following the social customs of the day, many people must have followed the social custom rather than his ideal. Previously work by academics have focused on stone monuments with an inscription of three characters (Shigandang:石敢當) or five characters (Taishanshigandang:泰山石敢當). These monuments pay homage to an evil spirit and although the custom of erecting such started in China, they can been see in various places in Japan. For example, Okinawa (沖縄) and their surrounding islands such as Amami Oshima (奄美大島) and Tokunoshima (徳之島), as well as Kagoshima (鹿児島), Miyazaki (宮崎) and Akita (秋田) prefecture. I investigated various sites in Okinawa with Shigandang and noted their locations on a map. There are very few place where Shigandang can be seen. This paper presents a different viewpoint taken by many so far and examines the historical progress of the Shigandang from past to present.


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