涌田 幸宏
日本情報経営学会誌 (ISSN:18822614)
vol.35, no.3, pp.4-17, 2015-06-25

This paper discusses the theorization process of new practices in agenda setting based on a case of local production for local consumption (chisan-chisyo). Theorization refers to the formulation of patterned relationships such as chains of cause and effect. In order to illustrate the process by which innovation is rationalized in policy formulation, we applied the meaning network perspective to analyze the conference minutes of Parliament through a text-mining approach and examine the relationship regarding co-occurrences with the word "chisan-chisyo." Using the frame alignment perspective in social movement theory, we then conducted discourse analysis of the white paper Our finding is that it is important for the theorization process to develop and represent concepts that bridge many frames.


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#研究事例リストに追加しました:涌田幸宏 2015 「アジェンダ・セッティングにおける意味ネットワークとフレーミング ―『地産地消』を事例として(特集:意味ネットワーク再構築としてのイノベーション)―」 『日本情報経営学会誌』 https://t.co/zVvRTIS6sZ

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