川本 崇雄
奈良教育大学紀要 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.24, no.1, pp.p1-16, 1975-11

Some of the most interesting etymologies in this part may be the following: kaka IV kaQ '(fly) into a rage', kaQkaQ, kaNkaN'(of the sun) exceedingly bright, (of a person) in a rage, (of charcoal) red-hot', hoka-hoka, poka-poka 'pleasantly warm', maQka, maQkaQka 'bright red', aka 'red' ; OJp. kaka-yaku 'to shine brightly' : -PJp. (k)AKA 'red-hot' PEOka, kaka, pukaka'red-not' : Ma. ka 'to burn, to take fire', kaka 'red-hot', Fu. kaka 'to shine', Mar.kaka 'yellow, red', To. kakaha 'to glow with heat,to be red-hot, (of anger) to flare up', Sa., Ma. pukaka, pokaka 'hot' pai pai-pai, oQpai 'the breast', OJp. FaFa 'mother' < *papai : PJp. PAYL 'motherhood' PAN bayi 'Mutter' : Tg. babayi 'Frau, Weiblichsein' ; Ja. bayi 'Saugling' sio sio-sio (OJp. siFo-siFo) 'in low spirits, sadly', siQpori 'pleasantly wet', siwo-reru, sibo-mu 'to wither', OJp. niFo-dori'grebe (=a diving bird)', simo 'lower part ', nisi 'west'(prena salized) *sisi(po) : -PJp. SI(M)PO, SIMO, NIPO, NISI 'down into water' PEO (n)sipo, sisipo 'down, to bow down, (of the sun) to set,to go into the water, west, unfortunate'. [N.B. PJp. saku 'to bloom', sakayu 'to prosper', sakari 'the prime' , saki 'happiness' and PJp. agu 'to lift, to get out of water', Okinawa agari 'east' correspond to PEO (n)sake 'up, to lift, to go up from the sea, (of the sun) to rise, to elevate in rank of power or dignity, east'. ]


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こんな論文どうですか? 日本語の象徴語の語源--特に南島諸語に関連して-2-(川本 崇雄),1975 https://t.co/G8pqxld1nD

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