上垣 渉 田中 伸明 Uegaki Wataru Tanaka Nobuaki
三重大学教育学部研究紀要 (ISSN:18802419)
vol.60, pp.185-196, 2009

In the time after World War II, Japanese Education was under the control of Civil Information & Education Section (CI & E) of General Headquarters / Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (GHQ / SCAP). The CI & E decided that Japanese new upper secondary education should have a broader focus and comprehensive curriculum. On September 27th 1946, a final tentative curriculum of elementary and secondary education in Japan was agreed upon between the Ministry of Education of Japan (Mombusho) and CI & E. In this plan, mathematics courses of upper secondary level were deemed elective. Wada Yoshinobu (Chief of mathematics course of study committee) was concerned that mathematics was "elective" and claimed that it should be "compulsory". This thesis clarifies the argument for additional years of compulsory mathematics by using GHQ / SCAP's estricted documents.


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こんな論文どうですか? 占領下の数学科形成をめぐる議論(上垣 渉ほか),2009 https://t.co/zAodBeI99E In the time after World War II, Jap…

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