荻野 亮吾
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.49, pp.127-137, 2009

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the construction process of " the publicness " in the residents ' movement in the 1970's. Previously, " the publicness" of social activity has been mainly discussed from the viewpoint of " counter-publicness." However, there still seems to remain to be examined from the perspective of mutual relationships among citizens. It will be necessary to focus on processes of interaction with "others" who have different concept of values. // I investigate four case examples of residents' movement on the journal of Gekkan-Syakai-Kyoiku in the 1970's. The examples are made up of three types. One is to call on the administration to construct pubic institutions. Other is to call on the government and the company not to build facilities or not to overexploit. To this, I take two examples. The other is to only identify the problems. For analyzing, I take particular note of three points, how the movement began and ended, what kind of repertories and framings residents strategically used, and how mutual transformation could emerge. // As a result, I can show three common features of the movements during this period. First, " the publicness " lied between "universality" and "locality." Second, "the publicness" was built upon residents' uninterrupted discussion about needs or interests, and its basis was quite temporary. Third, I highlight micro-politics between citizens, which has been previously hidden.


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[paper] 鹿児島県志布志湾の住民運動や練馬区の道路建設反対運動等を事例にしながら分析. / 荻野亮吾(2009)「1970年代の住民運動における「公共性」構築過程に関する考察」 http://t.co/w4obt3KA

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