荻野 亮吾
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.53, pp.95-112, 2013

This paper discusses the applicability of social capital theory to research on adult and community education. In the field of adult and community education, clarifying the process of subjectivity has been a central task. However, because the self is restricted by society, it is necessary to adopt a relational approach. The leading theory of this kind is social capital theory, which regards social relationships as a sort of "capital", and clarifies the mechanisms of accumulation and diversion of this "capital". In the 1970s, there was discussion about the relationships between community and education. One approach was to view the community as a system and try to reveal its structure, and the other approach was to focus on the construction process of the community through residents' movements. Social capital theory has the potential to adjust this dichotomy between the subject and structure, by focusing on the process and the function of social relationships. The work of Robert D. Putnam, the leading proponent of social capital theory, has three characteristics. The first is conceptualizing the social condition of regulating or affecting governance as social capital. The second is regarding social relationships as a sort of capital, which makes it possible to measure the amount of social capital across the ages and to compare social capital across countries and regions. The third is developing the possibility of conducting intervention studies into the community in order to construct social capital. In Japan, policy makers and researchers have shown increasing interest in social capital theory, with the promotion of community governance in recent years. The theory of social capital affects the lifelong learning policies of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and the European Union, and attempts have been made to identify point of contact between the theory and research on adult and community education. Experience has shown that adult and community education can create partnerships and trust among residents in a local community, and that these relationships can add to lead to changes in the community. Social capital can add to this understanding by providing a theoretical framework and guidelines for empirical research. When trying to apply the concept of social capital to research on adult and community education, it is necessary to clarify the level of analysis, to focus on social networks, to examine nature as "capital," and to reconsider the concept of social capital as a dynamic one. In future research on adult and community education, it is important to capture not only social relationships among individuals but also social relationships among associations and groups in the community, the process of getting engaged in community activities through belonging to such groups, and how the community is constructed through cumulative activities.
荻野 亮吾
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.53, pp.95-112, 2014-03-28

This paper discusses the applicability of social capital theory to research on adult and community education. In the field of adult and community education, clarifying the process of subjectivity has been a central task. However, because the self is restricted by society, it is necessary to adopt a relational approach. The leading theory of this kind is social capital theory, which regards social relationships as a sort of “capital”, and clarifies the mechanisms of accumulation and diversion of this “capital”. In the 1970s, there was discussion about the relationships between community and education. One approach was to view the community as a system and try to reveal its structure, and the other approach was to focus on the construction process of the community through residents’ movements. Social capital theory has the potential to adjust this dichotomy between the subject and structure, by focusing on the process and the function of social relationships. The work of Robert D. Putnam, the leading proponent of social capital theory, has three characteristics. The first is conceptualizing the social condition of regulating or affecting governance as social capital. The second is regarding social relationships as a sort of capital, which makes it possible to measure the amount of social capital across the ages and to compare social capital across countries and regions. The third is developing the possibility of conducting intervention studies into the community in order to construct social capital. In Japan, policy makers and researchers have shown increasing interest in social capital theory, with the promotion of community governance in recent years. The theory of social capital affects the lifelong learning policies of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and the European Union, and attempts have been made to identify point of contact between the theory and research on adult and community education. Experience has shown that adult and community education can create partnerships and trust among residents in a local community, and that these relationships can add to lead to changes in the community. Social capital can add to this understanding by providing a theoretical framework and guidelines for empirical research. When trying to apply the concept of social capital to research on adult and community education, it is necessary to clarify the level of analysis, to focus on social networks, to examine nature as “capital,” and to reconsider the concept of social capital as a dynamic one. In future research on adult and community education, it is important to capture not only social relationships among individuals but also social relationships among associations and groups in the community, the process of getting engaged in community activities through belonging to such groups, and how the community is constructed through cumulative activities.
平田 淳 松尾 敏実 荻野 亮吾 江口 若香子
佐賀大学大学院学校教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:24325074)
vol.7, pp.841-901, 2023-03-10

三浦 貴大 藪 謙一郎 荻野 亮吾 堤 可奈子 檜山 敦 廣瀬 通孝 伊福部 達
デジタルプラクティス (ISSN:21884390)
vol.8, no.1, pp.21-29, 2017-01-15

荻野 亮吾

審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 牧野 篤, 東京大学教授 大桃 敏行, 東京大学教授 勝野 正章, 東京大学講師 新藤 浩伸, 東京大学准教授(社会科学研究所) 佐藤 香
荻野 亮吾
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.49, pp.127-137, 2009

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the construction process of " the publicness " in the residents ' movement in the 1970's. Previously, " the publicness" of social activity has been mainly discussed from the viewpoint of " counter-publicness." However, there still seems to remain to be examined from the perspective of mutual relationships among citizens. It will be necessary to focus on processes of interaction with "others" who have different concept of values. // I investigate four case examples of residents' movement on the journal of Gekkan-Syakai-Kyoiku in the 1970's. The examples are made up of three types. One is to call on the administration to construct pubic institutions. Other is to call on the government and the company not to build facilities or not to overexploit. To this, I take two examples. The other is to only identify the problems. For analyzing, I take particular note of three points, how the movement began and ended, what kind of repertories and framings residents strategically used, and how mutual transformation could emerge. // As a result, I can show three common features of the movements during this period. First, " the publicness " lied between "universality" and "locality." Second, "the publicness" was built upon residents' uninterrupted discussion about needs or interests, and its basis was quite temporary. Third, I highlight micro-politics between citizens, which has been previously hidden.
荻野 亮吾
生涯学習基盤経営研究 (ISSN:1342193X)
no.34, pp.41-56, 2009

論文/Thesis本論文の目的は、大分県佐伯市の学校支援地域本部事業を事例として、学校・地域間の再編の動態を「社会関係資本」の観点から明らかにすることにあった。具体的には、各学校・公民館へのインタビュー調査結果の分析を行い、事業実施前後の変化を「制度」と<制度>の変化の観点から捉えた。 // 分析の結果、「制度」レベルでは、ゲストティーチャーや部活動の指導者としての受け入れが促進されつつ、教職員からの要望が強い環境整備の活動にも協力が求められる形で、地域人材の活用が進んでいくと予測される。<制度>レベルでは(a)学校・公民館関係については、日常的な職員交流が促進される可能性があること、(b)団体の状況については、団体の新設、転用、積極的な活用が見られ、再編の兆しが見られること、(c)「信頼」は個人間関係から、システム内の関係へと転換する可能性があることが明らかとなった。 // 今後の課題として、「社会関係資本」の概念を精緻化すること、継続的な実施によって経時的な効果を測定すること、学校と地域の関係について規範的な議論を展開することが挙げられる。The purpose of this paper is to describe the movement toward the reorganization of school and community relationships from the viewpoint of "Social Capital," through a case study on the project for a "Regional Center to Support Schools" in Saiki City, Oita Prefecture. Specifically, I analyzed the survey data gathered by interviewing the teachers and staff of a community center, and examined the changes before and after the implementation of the project, from the viewpoint of "formal" and "informal" institutional changes. // The results showed the following. At the "formal" institutional level, the residents would be accepted more as guest teachers and leaders of the club activities, and also be expected to act as staff members for level, daily communication between the teachers and the staff could be promoted. Associations would be reorganized, by such as being newly created, diverted, or being actively used. The "trust" formation would be changed from being informal relationships on an individual level to formal ones within the system. // The future tasks are to elaborate the concept of "Social Capital," to measure the effects over the passage of time by continual surveys, and to present normative relationships between schools and communities.
佐藤 智子 荻野 亮吾 中村 由香
生涯学習基盤経営研究 (ISSN:1342193X)
no.34, pp.71-86, 2009

論文/Thesis本研究の目的は次の2 点である。1つは,これまでの近代社会教育政策に関する先行研究を整理すること,もう1 つは,明治後期から昭和初期の社会教育政策の成立過程とその要因を,政治的アクターの相互関係の中で通史的に描きなおすことである。先行研究では,社会教育政策の成立や社会教育行政機構の整備・拡充を所与の結果として理解する傾向が強かったため,社会教育政策について,誰が,なぜ大正から昭和初期に成立させたのかという過程や要因を十分に明らかにしてこなかった。よって本研究では,それを時々の内閣やその文部大臣をアクターに位置付け,社会教育政策の成立過程を再構成し,成立の要因を明らかにすることを試みた。The purpose of this paper is as follows. One section is designated to organize the preceding studies on modern social education policies in a comprehensive manner. The other section is to rewrite the dynamics from among some political actors and the factors of how modern social education policies came into existence. In previous studies, the tendency was to regard the formation of modern social education policies and the administrative amplification as given results. Therefore, adequate clarification was not made of the factor that modern social education was realized in the Taisho and the early Showa eras. In this paper, we regard the Ministries and Ministers of Education of the time as some of the key actors, and have tried to describe the factors and reorganize the framework for studies on social education policies.