坂口 守男
大阪教育大学紀要 第IV部門 教育科学 (ISSN:03893472)
vol.58, no.2, pp.67-75, 2010-02-26

「熊野説話とその精神病理」の第6回目として「文覚荒行」を取り上げた。同僚の妻に横恋慕して殺人事件を起こした文覚は出家して,熊野の那智の滝で修行する。滝壷で一度死んだ文覚は不動明王の助けで再生し,すさまじいエナジーの持ち主に生まれ変わる。熊野は修験道の聖地でもあることから文覚の修行は修験道の擬死再生行為に相当すると考えた。一方で,熊野は浄土信仰の霊地でもある。浄土を求める心は地獄を恐れる心と表裏一体である。そこで西行の「地獄絵を見て」という27首の連作から地獄ついても検討した。さらに不安が本体である神経症の治療にも言及した。西行は執着心を捨てて不安に満ちた現実を見つめ,それを言語化しながら柔らかく受け止めてきた。文覚の荒々しい剛直な心とは対照的な西行のこうした柔軟な心にこそ精神療法の可能性があることを指摘した。This is the sixth paper regarding folk stories in Kumano. "Mongaku Aragyou" was taken up in the paper. The summary of the story is as follows. /Mongaku fell in love with his colleague's wife, Kesa. After they finished a love affair, Kesa asked Mongaku to kill her husband. One night, Mongaku stole into their house and killed a man who was sleeping on the bed. But the man was Kesa. She had disguised into her husband and lain sleeping on his bed. Because Mongaku was very strongly shocked, he became a Buddhist priest in Kumano and stood under Nati Falls for 21 days. He was saved in a dying state by Hudomyoo and became a more powerful man. He tried to conquer his feeling of terror for hell by his violent mental training. I studied Mongaku's mental state in comparing with Saigyou, who is a famous poet and contemporary with Mongaku. Saigyou overcame his feeling of terror for hell by his flexible mind like wind or water. Furthermore I discussed the psychotherapy of neurosis on the basis of Saigyou's poems.


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こんな論文どうですか? 熊野説話とその精神病理(第VI報)(坂口 守男),2010 https://t.co/XhW5BSKgwa 「熊野説話とその精神病理」の第6回目として「文覚荒行」を取り上げた。同僚の妻に横恋…

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