村松 常司 村松 園江 伊藤 章
愛知教育大学研究報告 芸術・保健体育・家政・技術科学 (ISSN:03887367)
no.36, pp.p123-131, 1987-02

Six healthy male students who have a habitual inhalation of tobacco smoke were subjected in the present study. The skin temperature, systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels and heart rate were measured to grasp acute effects of smoking after exercise and eating in 1980. The results obtained from the experiments are as follows: (1) The finger skin temperature decreased by smoking cigarettes 'Seven Star'. This decrease was observed from the first cigarette. (2) Systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels and heart rate increased after smoking and exercise, respectively. (3) The increase of heart rate was observed further by smoking after exercise than only by exercise. On the other hand, systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels did not increase just after exercise, but the recovery time to control period level was prolonged as compared with merely exercise. (4) After eating, the decreases of finger skin temperature and diastolic blood pressure level were observed, while the increases were observed among systolic blood pressure level and heart rate, respectively. (5) By the smoking after eating, the decreases of finger skin temperature and diastolic blood pressure level were observed further, while the increases were observed among the systolic blood pressure level and heart rate. The recovery time to control period level among every index, was prolonged.指先の皮膚温,収縮期および拡張期血圧,心拍数を指標にして,運動後,摂食後の喫煙による急性影響を把握することを目的として,喫煙習慣を持つ健康な大学生6名を対象にして, 1980年9月~10月に実験を行い,以下のような成績を得た。(1)セブンスターを喫煙することによって指先の皮膚温は低下し,1本目から低下が観察された。(2)喫煙後ならびに運動後の収縮期および拡張期血圧,心拍数は増加した。(3)運動後の喫煙によって,心拍数は運動直後よりもさらに増加した。収縮期および拡張期血圧は運動後の喫煙によっては上昇はみられなかったが,運動だけの時より安静時レベルヘの回復が遅れた。(4)摂食後の指先の皮膚温および拡張期血圧は低下し,収縮期血圧および心拍数は増加した。(5)摂食後の喫煙によって指先の皮膚温および拡張期血圧は,摂食後よりさらに低下し,収縮期血圧ならびに心拍数はさらに増加し,安静時レベルヘの回復が遅れた。


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こんな論文どうですか? 喫煙の循環器系に及ぼす急性影響について--特に,運動後・摂食後の変化(村松 常司ほか),1987 https://t.co/RdAI1aG9Na 指先の皮膚温,収縮期および拡張期血圧,心拍数を指標にして,運動後,摂食後の喫煙…
1 1 https://t.co/7uATQxCkRM
こんな論文どうですか? 喫煙の循環器系に及ぼす急性影響について--特に,運動後・摂食後の変化(村松 常司ほか),1987 https://t.co/2upnjkOJms

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