伊藤 章吾 中村 俊博 麻生 明見 野原 夢 小村 聡一朗 井上 寛子 森 隆宏 竹中 克彦 森 超夫 沼口 宏太郎 佐藤 真司 冷牟田 浩司
公益財団法人 日本心臓財団
心臓 (ISSN:05864488)
vol.46, no.7, pp.917-924, 2014 (Released:2015-07-13)

症例は42歳の女性. X年9月, 自宅で急に動悸と眼前暗黒感が出現したため, 近医へ救急搬送された. 搬入時心電図で心拍数 (HR) 210bpmのwide QRS tachycardiaを認め, 電気的除細動で洞調律 (SR) へ復した. 後日再度動悸が出現し, 同院の心電図で同じ頻拍を認めた. このときはATP 40mg静注により頻拍は停止した.  精査加療目的で電気生理検査を行った. 高位右房ペーシングで減衰伝導特性を持つ副伝導路を認めたが, 室房伝導は房室結節のみであった. 心房期外刺激で発作時と同一のwide QRS tachycardiaが誘発された. 頻拍中, His束不応期での心房単発刺激に対して三尖弁輪前壁~側壁でのみ頻拍リセットを示した. また, 頻拍中QRSに先行する右脚電位を認めた. 頻拍はMahaim線維 (atrio-fascicular fiber) を介するantidromic AVRTと診断した. 洞調律時に三尖弁輪前側壁にMahaim電位を認め, 同部位での高周波通電にてMahaim線維の伝導は消失し, 頻拍は誘発不可能となった.  詳細な電気生理学的検討によりMahaim線維の特徴的所見を捕らえ, これによるantidromic AVRTを診断・根治し得たので報告する.
神崎 浩 伊藤 章
大阪体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02891190)
vol.36, pp.51-60, 2005-03-31

The basic Men strike in kendo is a fundamental technique that is enforced in big operation through by brandishing a bamboo sword. However, this stroke differs from the stroke executed in a battle. It has been maintained that one of the qualities possessed by a leader is the ability to qualitatively convert these two methods of strokes by shifting from a basic stage to the battle stage. This research aims to clarify the difference between these two strokes. Paying particular attention to the speed of the tip of a bamboo sword, it attempts to address the mechanism that generates speed. As a result, the following issues were resolved : In the basic Men strike, the bamboo sword was mainly swung up by crooking a shoulder joint and an elbow joint on either side, and swung down by extending of a shoulder joint, an elbow joint and a wrist joint on either side. However, in the battle Men strike, the shoulder joint on either side was always crooked from swinging up of a bamboo sword to swinging down. During swinging down a bamboo sword, there was little angle change of an elbow joint and a left wrist joint on either side, and the right wrist join was extending. Such an operation of a upper limbs mainly is by rotating a bamboo sword in the basic Men strike and by pushing a bamboo sword to the front in the battle Men strike. That is, the speed of the point of a sword was produced by the different bamboo sword operation at the basic Men strike and the battle Men strike. The view of this research clarifies the factor on instruction required in order to aim at qualitative conversion of Men strike technique from the basic strike to the battle strike, and it is thought that it is useful to future instruction.
伊藤 章 市川 博啓 斉藤 昌久 佐川 和則 伊藤 道郎 小林 寛道
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.43, no.5-6, pp.260-273, 1998-11-10 (Released:2017-09-27)

The present study was designed to investigate the kinematic factors related to sprint running velocity. The subjects were 71 sprinters(49 males and 22 females)who ranged from world class to collegiate level. Movements were recorded around the 60-m point from the start line during a 100-m race(during official races including world championships in athletics, or under experimental conditions)using 16-mm movie or video cameras. The official best time during recording of the movements was 9.86. The correlation coefficients between kinematic data(see Fig.1)and sprint running velocity were calculated for three groups(male, female, and all sprinters). Step length and step length index(step length/body height to exclude the effects of body height)were correlated positively and significantly with sprint running velocity for all groups(male, female, and all sprinter). Step frequency and step frequency index[step frequency・(body height/gravitational acceleration)^<1/2>to exclude the effects of body height]were correlated positively and significantly with sprint running velocity for all groups except male sprinters with regard to step frequency. With regard to leg swing, maximal thigh angle and maximal leg angle showed no significant correlation with sprint running velocity, but the minimal knee angle showed a singificant negative correlation with sprint running velocity for both male and all sprinters. These results suggest that the purpose of high knee drills generally carried out during training needs to be reconsidered. The maximal leg touch down velocity showed a significant positive correlation with sprint running velocity for both female and all sprinters. This probably means that the leg touch down velocity acts to reduce the deceleration at the moment of foot contact and to accelerate the subsequent leg swing back velocity during the foot contact phase. As for the support leg, the maximal leg swing velocity showed a significant positive correlation with sprint running velocity for all groups. Although the maximal hip extension velocity during the foot contact phase was correlated positively and significantly with sprint running velocity for male sprinters, the maximal knee and ankle extension velocity showed a significant negative correlation with sprint running velocity for female and all sprinters. These results suggest that the knee should not be extended to transfer the hip extension velocity effectively to the leg swing velocity during the foot contact period. This was borne out by the fact that the top sprinters entered in the present study hardly extended the knee of the driving leg during the foot contact phase.
谷 賢治 高橋 宏 加藤 清 松永 敬一郎 坂本 洋 成田 雅弘 千場 純 進藤 邦彦 伊藤 章 福島 孝吉
一般社団法人 日本感染症学会
感染症学雑誌 (ISSN:03875911)
vol.57, no.3, pp.280-285, 1983-03-20 (Released:2011-09-07)

風疹に続発する中枢神経系合併症のうち, 脳炎を併発した成人の一例を報告し, 本邦の報告例11例の文献的考察を加え, 小児の風疹脳炎と比較検討し報告した.[症例] 22歳男性.主訴は嘔吐と意識消失. 家族歴と既往歴に特記事項なし. 現病歴は体幹部の粟粒大の発疹, 発熱と頭痛が初発症状, 3日後に症状消失, 第7病日に主訴出現し入院. 意識レベルは100で神経学的な病的反射と髄膜刺激症状はなし, 末梢血で白血球増多と核の左方移動, 血清の風疹抗体価はHI512倍, CRP (±) とIgA増加. 検尿で蛋白 (+), 糖 (2+), 沈渣は赤血球やや多数/1視野, 白血球18~20/1視野. 腰椎穿刺で初圧75mm水柱, 細胞数189/3 (顆粒球59/3, リンパ球130/3), 蛋白94mg/dl, 脳波はθ波のslowing. 第8病日の意識レベルは3で項部硬直出現. 第9病日の血清風疹抗体価4,096倍, 第11病日の意識は明瞭, 第12病日に項部硬直消失. 第14病日の血清風疹抗体価8,192倍, 第27病日は2,048倍と低下.[自験例を含む本邦の成人風疹脳炎12症例と小児風疹脳炎の比較] 発疹出現から脳炎症状出現までの日数, 臨床症状, 髄液所見で成人の風疹脳炎と小児の風疹脳炎に差は見られないが, 初発症状で小児例に嘔気, 嘔吐と痙李が見られるのに成人例では認められない事や, 予後で小児例に死亡する例が有るが成人例では無い事が異なる.
福田 厚治 伊藤 章
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.49, no.1, pp.29-39, 2004-01-10 (Released:2017-09-27)
13 2

Sprinters are often coached to increase their sprint running velocity by minimizing the horizontal deceleration force during the first half of the foot contact phase. The present study was undertaken to clarify the relationship between changes in the horizontal velocity of the body's center of gravity (CG) during the foot contact phase and sprint running velocity. The subjects were 26 male sprinters (100 m personal best record : 10.27-11.50 s). The experiments were carried out on an allweather track into which a force platform was planted. Subjects performed sprint running at their maximal effort. The ground reaction forces were recorded and the subjects were videotaped from the side (100 fps). The horizontal distance from the toe to the CG at the moment of foot touch-down and foot release showed no significant correlation with the maximal sprint running velocity. The duration of deceleration decreased (r=-0.517, p<0.01) and that of acceleration showed a tendency to decrease (r=-0.385, p=0.0519) with the increase of the maximal sprint running velocity. The peak forces of deceleration and acceleration increased (r=0.542, p<0.01 ; r=0.442, p<0.05) with the maximal sprint running velocity. The rate of deceleration and acceleration of the CG during the foot contact phase calculated from the impulse of the horizontal ground reaction force showed almost a constant value despite the big difference in the maximal sprint running velocity. The present results suggest that reducing the rate of CG deceleration during the foot contact phase would not improve the maximal sprint running velocity. The ability to develop a higher acceleration force to the ground moving faster to the backward relative to the body's center of mass during the shorter foot contact phase is probably a major factor in determining the maximal sprint running velocity.
伊藤 章 市川 博啓 斉藤 昌久 佐川 和則 伊藤 道郎 小林 寛道
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.43, no.5, pp.260-273, 1998-11-10

The present study was designed to investigate the kinematic factors related to sprint running velocity. The subjects were 71 sprinters(49 males and 22 females)who ranged from world class to collegiate level. Movements were recorded around the 60-m point from the start line during a 100-m race(during official races including world championships in athletics, or under experimental conditions)using 16-mm movie or video cameras. The official best time during recording of the movements was 9.86. The correlation coefficients between kinematic data(see Fig.1)and sprint running velocity were calculated for three groups(male, female, and all sprinters). Step length and step length index(step length/body height to exclude the effects of body height)were correlated positively and significantly with sprint running velocity for all groups(male, female, and all sprinter). Step frequency and step frequency index[step frequency・(body height/gravitational acceleration)^<1/2>to exclude the effects of body height]were correlated positively and significantly with sprint running velocity for all groups except male sprinters with regard to step frequency. With regard to leg swing, maximal thigh angle and maximal leg angle showed no significant correlation with sprint running velocity, but the minimal knee angle showed a singificant negative correlation with sprint running velocity for both male and all sprinters. These results suggest that the purpose of high knee drills generally carried out during training needs to be reconsidered. The maximal leg touch down velocity showed a significant positive correlation with sprint running velocity for both female and all sprinters. This probably means that the leg touch down velocity acts to reduce the deceleration at the moment of foot contact and to accelerate the subsequent leg swing back velocity during the foot contact phase. As for the support leg, the maximal leg swing velocity showed a significant positive correlation with sprint running velocity for all groups. Although the maximal hip extension velocity during the foot contact phase was correlated positively and significantly with sprint running velocity for male sprinters, the maximal knee and ankle extension velocity showed a significant negative correlation with sprint running velocity for female and all sprinters. These results suggest that the knee should not be extended to transfer the hip extension velocity effectively to the leg swing velocity during the foot contact period. This was borne out by the fact that the top sprinters entered in the present study hardly extended the knee of the driving leg during the foot contact phase.
西守 隆 伊藤 章
理学療法学 (ISSN:02893770)
vol.33, no.6, pp.318-323, 2006-10-20 (Released:2018-08-25)

村松 常司 村松 園江 伊藤 章
愛知教育大学研究報告 芸術・保健体育・家政・技術科学 (ISSN:03887367)
no.36, pp.p123-131, 1987-02

Six healthy male students who have a habitual inhalation of tobacco smoke were subjected in the present study. The skin temperature, systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels and heart rate were measured to grasp acute effects of smoking after exercise and eating in 1980. The results obtained from the experiments are as follows: (1) The finger skin temperature decreased by smoking cigarettes 'Seven Star'. This decrease was observed from the first cigarette. (2) Systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels and heart rate increased after smoking and exercise, respectively. (3) The increase of heart rate was observed further by smoking after exercise than only by exercise. On the other hand, systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels did not increase just after exercise, but the recovery time to control period level was prolonged as compared with merely exercise. (4) After eating, the decreases of finger skin temperature and diastolic blood pressure level were observed, while the increases were observed among systolic blood pressure level and heart rate, respectively. (5) By the smoking after eating, the decreases of finger skin temperature and diastolic blood pressure level were observed further, while the increases were observed among the systolic blood pressure level and heart rate. The recovery time to control period level among every index, was prolonged.指先の皮膚温,収縮期および拡張期血圧,心拍数を指標にして,運動後,摂食後の喫煙による急性影響を把握することを目的として,喫煙習慣を持つ健康な大学生6名を対象にして, 1980年9月~10月に実験を行い,以下のような成績を得た。(1)セブンスターを喫煙することによって指先の皮膚温は低下し,1本目から低下が観察された。(2)喫煙後ならびに運動後の収縮期および拡張期血圧,心拍数は増加した。(3)運動後の喫煙によって,心拍数は運動直後よりもさらに増加した。収縮期および拡張期血圧は運動後の喫煙によっては上昇はみられなかったが,運動だけの時より安静時レベルヘの回復が遅れた。(4)摂食後の指先の皮膚温および拡張期血圧は低下し,収縮期血圧および心拍数は増加した。(5)摂食後の喫煙によって指先の皮膚温および拡張期血圧は,摂食後よりさらに低下し,収縮期血圧ならびに心拍数はさらに増加し,安静時レベルヘの回復が遅れた。
西守 隆 伊藤 章
理学療法学 (ISSN:02893770)
vol.33, no.6, pp.318-323, 2006-10-20

伊藤 章
vol.50, pp.61-78, 2006-03

The central subject of American drama is the American family. From Royall Tyler’s colonial comedy The Contrast (1787) to August Wilson’s King Hedley II (2000), relationships between husbands, wives, and their children have consistently been used by American playwrights to explore and illuminate the American experience. American drama, especially in the twentieth century has been strikingly preoccupied with problems of family life. Its most characteristic moments are realistic scenes of family strife and squabble and bliss. This article firstly addresses the questions of why American drama is so overwhelmingly concerned with families, why American playwrights have been zealously devoted to the problems of family life, why American drama is, in a fundamental way, domestic drama, and why best American playwrights are best remembered for their family-centered plays. After that, I will analyze the two plays representing modern American drama, Edward Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1962) and Sam Shepard’s Buried Child (1978), by focusing on the American family, and will explore how the American family is portrayed in each play, what significance these portraits of families have on us, and what kind of differences in the family images there are between these plays. The reason why I have chosen these two plays as my medium for analysis is not simply because there appears a child in each play (a son who seems to be real but proves to be imaginary in the former; a son who seems to be imaginary but proves to be real in the latter), but because both of them represent the American family. By looking at how the family is portrayed in each play, perhaps we can look into the ways in which the American dream associated with the American family is disintegrated, deteriorated, and decayed, and we can also probe deeply into the meaning of family itself.
石川 昌紀 KOMI V Paavo NICOL Caroline 小田 俊明 伊藤 章

坂東 美和子 田辺 智 伊藤 章
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.51, no.4, pp.505-514, 2006-07-10
1 2

伊藤 章 小林 寛道 阿江 通良 飯干 明 藤井 範久 榎本 靖士 深代 千之 杉田 正明

新井 彩 石川 昌紀 浦田 達也 国正 陽子 佐野 加奈絵 田中 ひかる 伊藤 章
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.64, no.1, pp.165-172, 2015-02-01 (Released:2015-01-25)
2 1

The purpose of the present study was to examine the importance of the agonist muscle activity of the post-impact 30 ms phase during drop jump (DJ) for effective rebound performance by comparing those of sprint runners and swimmers. The eight sprint runners (SPRINT) and twelve swimmers (SWIM) were participated in this study. They performed DJ from a 0.3-m height box with maximal rebound efforts. Electromyograms (EMG) of the lower leg muscles (medial gastrocnemius [MG], soleus [SOL] and tibialis anterior [TA]), and vertical ground reaction force together with kinematic data were measured simultaneously during DJ. In addition, the onsets of fascicle stretching of the MG and SOL muscles were measured by using high-speed ultrasonography (521Hz) during DJ. The onsets of the fascicle stretching of SOL during DJ were not significantly different between SPRINT and SWIM (15 ± 7 ms and 16 ± 6 ms, respectively). During DJ, SPRINT showed onset of the SOL EMG before the ground contact (-26 ± 19 ms). Meanwhile, SWIM showed the onset of the SOL EMG after the ground contact of DJ (16 ± 19 ms). These results suggest that the SOL muscles for SWIM cannot be fully-activated during the braking phase. Consequently, the rate of force development during the braking phase of DJ and subsequently rebound height could be reduced in SWIM.
太田 岳史 小谷 亜由美 伊藤 章吾 花村 美保 飯島 慈裕 マキシモフ トロフューム コノノフ アレキサンダー
vol.124, 2013

小川 浩司 松崎 道男 宮下 裕子 本村 茂樹 伊藤 章 大久保 隆男 丸田 壱郎 児玉 文雄
公益社団法人 日本化学療法学会
vol.35, no.5, pp.398-410, 1987

白血病治癒の主要薬剤であるDaunorubicin (DNR) の代謝, 分布, 排泄を知るために, 白血病患者にDNR 40 mgを3分間で静注し, 血中濃度 (血漿中, 赤血球中濃度), 尿中排泄を高速液体クロマトグラフィー (HPLC) を用いて測定した。 同時に3コンバートメントオープンモデルを用いて血中濃度の薬物動力学的解析を行ない, 以下のような結果を得た。<BR>1. DNRの血漿中, 赤血球中濃度のピーク値は5分後にあり, 各々228.00±204.00ng/ml, 237.00±111.00ng/gであった。 血中濃度曲線は, α, β, γの3相を呈した。 血漿DNRの半減期は, α相0.0351±0.0157 hr (約2分), β相1.83±2.01 hr, γ相15.8±8.4 hrであった。<BR>2. DNRの主要代謝物は, Daunorubicinol (DNR-OL) であり, その血漿中, 赤血球中濃度のピーク値は, 96.50±62.90 ng/ml, 205.00±115.00 ng/gであった。 2時間値で, DNRの血漿中濃度は20.00±15.80 ng/ml, DNR-OL 41.40±27.20 ng/mlで, 赤血球中濃度は40.00±19.50 ng/g, 40.20±13.60 ng/gであり, 2時間以後では, DNRよりDNR-OLの濃度が高値となることが示された。<BR>3. 3コンパートメントオープンモデルの解析結果では, DNRの体循環コンパートメントから組織コンパートメントIIおよびIIIに対する移行速度定数<I>K</I><SUB>12</SUB>, <I>K</I><SUB>13</SUB>は大きく, 逆に組織II, IIIから体循環コンパートメントへの移行速度定数<I>K</I><SUB>21</SUB>, <I>K</I><SUB>31</SUB>は小さく, DNRは速やかに組織に移行し, 組織に高濃度に保持され, 放出は緩やかであることが考えられた。 また, 体循環コンパートメント分布容量<I>V</I><SUB>1</SUB>は, 組織コンパートメント分布容量<I>V</I><SUB>2</SUB>+<I>V</I><SUB>3</SUB>に比べ極めて小さく, 投与されたDNRの多くが組織に分布することが示唆された。<BR>4. 尿中排泄率は, 24時間においてDNR 6.33±2.93%, DNR-OL 5.30±2.48%で, 総排泄率は, 11.8±5.1%で尿中への排泄は少ないことが示された。
伊藤 章 大久保 隆男
公益社団法人 日本化学療法学会
vol.36, no.1, pp.455-459, 1988

CS-807を臨床的に7例の呼吸器感染症に投与し, 以下の成績がえられた。<BR>1) 肺炎1例, 慢性気管支炎3例, 気管支拡張症, 気管支喘息, 肺線維症各1例, 計7例に投与した。<BR>2) 副作用のため投与を中止した慢性気管支炎1例を除く6例に対する臨床効果は, 有効4例, やや有効1例, 無効1例で有効率は66.7%であった。<BR>3) 1回200mg投与例では4例中2例が有効であったが1回量400mg投与例では, 2例共有効であった。<BR>4) 5例で, 起炎菌が検出され,消失2例, 不変1例, 菌交代1例, 不明1例であった。<BR>5) 副作用として下痢が1例で認められ,本人の判断で1日後に中止したが, 2日目には特に治療を要することなく正常値に回復した。<BR>6) 本剤によると思われる臨床検査値異常は認められなかった。<BR>7) 有効率の低さは, 症例が少ないための偏りであろうと考えられた。<BR>8) 症例を選択して本剤を用いれば, 有用な経口抗生剤となりうるであろう。