石田 哲也
九州大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13453904)
vol.11, pp.91-99, 2010

The purposes of this study are to construct an addiction tendency scale and investigate the relationship between addiction tendency and mental health, emptiness, and self-esteem. On the basis of factor analyses with 36 items, an addiction tendency scale with three subscales has been constructed. Factor 1 is "feelings of indispensability", factor 2 is "loss of control", and factor 3 is "bad influence on interpersonal relationships and social life". To investigate the psychological background of addiction, subjects were classified into two groups: high addiction group and low addiction group. This result of t tests indicate that the high addiction group had a greater feeling of emptiness than the low addiction group. This result suggests that addiction may arise from efforts to satisfy such emptiness or to achieve a sense of fulfillment by "using" a person, substance, or behavior.


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