西村 薫 野村 亮太 丸野 俊一
九州大学心理学研究 : 九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院紀要 (ISSN:13453904)
vol.13, pp.1-9, 2012

Changing self-efficacy is important for clinical support. Nonetheless, the past studies on self-efficacy do not explain (1) taking actions with low self-efficacy, (2) process of self-efficacy promotion, or (3) process of self-efficacy declination. To solve these issues, we proposed "Perspective Self-efficacy", which includes ambiguous expectations that the future self can be positively changed. Perspective self-efficacy refers to ambiguous feelings that the self, as future prospects, can affect and control others and situations, detaching from the current self. By viewing the present self from future-perspective self, perspective self-efficacy makes it possible to take different actions from what is motivated only by the present situations. Also, being detached from the present self, can perspective self efficacy facilitate taking actions and positive operations of information resources, even when self-efficacy is currently low. Thus, perspective self-efficacy can explain the change of self-efficacy, and be useful for clinical support.
津曲 陽子 山口 裕幸 Tsumagari Yoko Yamaguchi Hiroyuki
九州大学心理学研究 : 九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院紀要 (ISSN:13453904)
vol.14, pp.9-17, 2013

This article proposed a psychological mechanism for improving future work motivation by reflecting on past experiences. Previous studies have claimed that future motivation is maintained by present self-affirmation and a future ideal, and have overlooked the effect of reflecting on past experiences. Rather, it has been claimed that reflecting on past experiences leads to overconfidence or anxiety, and impairs future motivation. In contrast, this article points out that people can maintain motivation through (1) imagining clearly their future ideal selves (setting goals), (2) reflecting on past experiences related to the ideal, and (3) acquiring lessons from the past. In a review of previous studies, we examined the process of reflecting on past experiences to improve future motivation. We showed that people with a clear ideal (goal) reflected on past experiences related to that ideal, and acquired lessons and mental rewards from the past, thus improving their motivation. A new mechanism for maintaining work motivation by reflecting on past experiences was presented, taking into consideration acquired lessons and mental rewards.
石田 哲也
九州大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13453904)
vol.11, pp.91-99, 2010

The purposes of this study are to construct an addiction tendency scale and investigate the relationship between addiction tendency and mental health, emptiness, and self-esteem. On the basis of factor analyses with 36 items, an addiction tendency scale with three subscales has been constructed. Factor 1 is "feelings of indispensability", factor 2 is "loss of control", and factor 3 is "bad influence on interpersonal relationships and social life". To investigate the psychological background of addiction, subjects were classified into two groups: high addiction group and low addiction group. This result of t tests indicate that the high addiction group had a greater feeling of emptiness than the low addiction group. This result suggests that addiction may arise from efforts to satisfy such emptiness or to achieve a sense of fulfillment by "using" a person, substance, or behavior.
菅澤 貴之
共生社会学 (ISSN:13462717)
no.5, pp.39-54, 2006

久崎 孝浩
九州大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13453904)
vol.3, pp.69-76, 2002

Human beings don't randomly arouse emotions, but sometimes arouse emotions under consciousness concerning how they are recognized by others and meet expectations in others or rules in social groups. Emotions participated consciousness what oneself ought to be. especially shame and guilt have recently been paid considerable attention. So, I discussed appraisals, emotional experience, physiological reaction, and emotional expression of shame and guilt from the latest findings, and I tried to define them. Secondly, I inscribed the differences between shame and guilt in terms of emotion function. Finally, I discuss how and when shame and guilt appear, referring to Lewis's emotion development theory.
児玉 恵美
九州大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13453904)
vol.1, pp.147-155, 2000

本研究では, 多くの夢研究においてこれまで看過されてきた, どのくらい夢に関心を持ち夢から影響を受けるかなど, 主体の「夢に対する態度」を特に取り上げている。夢み, 夢への態度と, 性別, YG性格検査との関連を見ることにより, 夢と覚醒時との連続性を今までとは異なった視点で検討することを試みた。大学生420人を被験者として質問紙調査を行った結果, (1)男女とも同頻度の夢を見るが, 女性の方が夢の記憶が明瞭であること, (2)抑うつ的で回帰性傾向の高い人は, より夢への態度が積極的で夢想起頻度も高く, 夢に巻き込まれやすい人たちであると言えるだろうということなどが推測された。
中尾 達馬 加藤 和生
九州大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13453904)
vol.5, pp.19-27, 2004

This study examined reliabilities and validities of adult attachment style scales for "the generalized other" (ECR-GO, RQ-GO). 378 college students participated in Study 1, and 77 college female students participated in Study 2. In Study l, we examined (1) reliability of ECR-GO by a coefficients and factor comparison between ECR-GO and ECR, (2)validity of ECR-GO by correlations between ECR-GO and three scales theoretically related to Self- and Others- views (e.g., Self-esteem scale; Rosenberg, 1965), (3) whether the patterns of the distribution of 4 attachment styles classified by RQ-GO differ by the types of attachment figures rated for (ECR-GO, RQ-GO). In Study 2, we examined 1 month test-retest reliabilities of ECR-GO and RQ-GO: By examining (1) correlations between Time 1 and Time 2 (for both scales) , and (2) a cross table of 4 attachment styles classified by RQ-GO on the 2 times. The results of the two studies demonstrated that ECR-GO and RQ-GO have good psychometric properties in reliabilities and validities.
黒木 美紗
九州大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13453904)
vol.8, pp.31-39, 2007

Infants are born with some preferences to some specific stimulation to extract important information from the environment to the adjustment and the living by priority. This limits environmental stimulation and the experience that infants receives, and provide constant directionality in development. In early infancy, infants' various abilities and the behavior styles of infants are acquired based on this perceptional and behavioral bias. The ability of responding to joint the attention was also considered to develop based on infants' visual perceptional bias. However, the development base of another side of joint attention-initiating joint attention-was not clarified yet. In this thesis, the effect of emotional state on infants' attention was considered as the trigger of infants' initiating join attention.
中尾 達馬 加藤 和生
九州大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13453904)
vol.7, pp.9-19, 2006

The purpose of this study was twofold: (1) To investigate whether the pattern of frequency differences in attachment behaviors among 4 attachment styles are consistent across attachment figures, means, and strategies, and (2) to examine their differences in security needs that have been theoretically assumed. 211 college students were asked to respond to a questionnaire. Main findings were as follows, (1) Secure and Preoccupied engaged in attachment behaviors more frequently than Dismissing and Fearful-avoidant, regardless of the types of attachment figures (e.g., mother, romantic partner), means (e.g., mail, telephone), and strategies (proximity-maintenance, expressing own feelings more openly). (2) Secure, Preoccupied, and Fearful rated higher for security needs than Dismissing. Those findings were interpreted to demonstrate the validity of the implicitly held, but prevailing, hypothesis: Adult attachment styles do reflect the corresponding patterns of attachment behaviors.
桑田 左絵 神尾 陽子
九州大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13453904)
vol.5, pp.273-281, 2004

The purpose of this study was to present the perspectives of adjustment in parents of children with develop-mental disabilities, by reviewing the literature from Japan, Europe and America. The results were as follows: 1) It is necessary to develop a model of the acceptance of disabilities by parents with disabled children according to the types of disabilities. 2) It is necessary to explore the factors that encourage the acceptance of disabilities by parents or discourage it, not only to describe changes in mental states of parents. 3) It is important to note that while carrying out the early intervention for the children, the diversity of the families should also be taken into consid-eration when supporting the families.
中島 俊思
九州大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13453904)
vol.10, pp.207-216, 2009

The development of children with NICU hospitalization experience, especially of low- birth-weight infants, is said to be at high-risk because of their mothers' psychological characteristics, as well as the vulnerabilities caused by their own immaturity. This study examined the psychological characteristics of mothers with children experienced NICU hospitalization, at one month after giving birth. "Self-esteem" and "postnatal depression" with which have been proved to affect later development were used as index of infant-mother relationships in "Motherhood Attachment Inventory", egarding "Self Insufficiency", NICU-group significantly showed lower score for items related to desire of closeness, such as physical contact through holding pr eye-contact. On the other hand, NICU-group showed lower score for items of "I know my baby needs me", "I know my baby's temperament", "I know what my baby wants". The results of this study suggested difficulties in early construction on infant-mother relationship in NICU-group and a thus the importance of support for fostering both mothers and children eith NICU hospitalization experience is reconsidered.
江上 奈美子
九州大学心理学研究 : 九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院紀要 (ISSN:13453904)
vol.14, pp.71-78, 2013

The present article reviews borderline personality traits in a non-clinical population. Studies conducted in Japan on this topic have drawn their samples from either subclinical populations or adolescents known to be mentally unstable. Adolescents with a high level of borderline personality traits have many difficulties in interpersonal relations as well as family conditions. Many studies from other countries have examined borderline personality traits in non-clinical populations. These studies have revealed the following: (1) Borderline personality traits have some clinical features. (2) Individual with borderline personality traits typically lack skills in managing and understanding emotions. (3) Significant multivariate predictors and risk factors of borderline personality traits exist. (4) Borderline personality traits predict negative outcomes in academic and occupational achievement. This paper reveals that future studies are needed to better understand the etiology, development, and course of borderline personality traits, and shows how longitudinal research and case studies can support existing findings.
浜田 恵
九州大学心理学研究 : 九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院紀要 (ISSN:13453904)
vol.13, pp.93-100, 2012

The purpose of this study is to consider the significance of dealing with "sexual attitudes" in clinical psychology by reviewing previous study. First, the definition and concepts were clarified. "Sexuality" consists of seven components. Second, the previous studies in medical science, education, and psychology were reviewed. Medical science suggests as the factors of the sexual dysfunction the sense of negative sexual attitudes to sexuality and the difficulty in getting an interpersonal relationships. Further, education made us realize that how we are dealing with the topic of sexuality is important, and psychology made a point about sexual attitudes in particularly the whole tendency. On the basis of the review, this study suggests that self-direction toward sexual attitudes is important. In addition, how clinical psychology deals with sexual attitudes is considered. The study discusses that the approach to deal with negative sexual attitudes and how a person develops sexual attitudes.
安立 清史
共生社会学 (ISSN:13462717)
no.5, pp.1-15, 2006

非営利組織(Non Profit Organization)に関する社会学的理論は、まだ十分に展開されていない。そこで非営利組織に関する隣接諸社会科学による理論的アプローチの先行研究のレビューを行う。主なものは「政府の失敗理論(多様性理論)」「市場の失敗理論(信頼の理論)」「ボランティアの失敗理論(相互依存の理論)」「供給サイドの理論(社会的起業家の理論)」「利害関係者の理論」などである。こうした諸理論の検討を行い、非営利組織の社会学的な理解との接点を考察し、ありうべき非営利組織の社会学理論の展開を考える基礎作業を行う。
福井 祐介
共生社会学 (ISSN:13462717)
no.6, pp.73-87, 2008

鉄 拳
九州大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13453904)
vol.12, pp.69-77, 2011

This paper examined regional characteristic of stress in junior high school students from Okinawa and Fukuoka. The results showed that the frequency and strength of stressor in Fukuoka is higher than Okinawa. And stress response for students in Fukuoka is higher than for those in Okinawa. It was showed a higher stress reacton in Fukuoka, and students of this population seem to receive more social support. It is thought that it is because they have more experience receiving stressors. There is no difference in the factor concerning to "Relation between parents" in both regions, but Fukuoka shows a higher level in the factors related to "friends", "teacher", and "studies". There was no difference in the support from "teacher" and "friend" in both regions. Finally, in Fukuoka it was found higher the level of the "support from parents", and there was no difference in the support from "teacher" and "friends".
鉄 拳
九州大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13453904)
vol.11, pp.63-69, 2010

This paper examined regional characteristics of stress in junior school students in Yun-Nan and Iner Mongolia The result showed that the frequency and strength of stressor in Yun-Nan is higher than Inner Mongolia. Social support for students in Inner Mongolia's is higher than those for Yun-Nan. However, there is no significant difference in stress response between students in Yun-Nan and Inner Mongolia. It is considered that students in Yun-Nan managed stress better and less likely to show stress response. Also, they received more social support from friends, comparing to students in Inner Mongolia. Furthermore, comparison between subscales of the questionnaire, differences in expression of stress reaction were found between students in the two provinces. Since the present results were based on questionnaire investigation, interview study is necessary in the future, in order to understand the student's situation and compare with the quantitative data. Also further study in different regions to understand regional characteristic is necessary.