吉田 政幸 小笠原 悦子
研究紀要 (ISSN:13489399)
vol.8, pp.67-77, 2011

The issue of a sport team's promotion to a higher league has been investigated primarilyfrom the spectator's perspective. Although recent few studies highlight the importance of localresidents on this topic, the effects of various moderating variables on local residents' decisionmaking processes still remain unexplored. The current study is one of the first attempts to( 1)develop measures for capturing three dimensions( cognitive, affective, and conative aspects) oflocal residents' attitudes toward a professional sport team promoted to a higher league and( 2)examine the effects of significant moderating variables (i.e., gender, age, and willingness tosupport the home team) on the cognitive attitudes-behavioral intentions chain and on theaffective attitudes-behavioral intentions chain. Data were collected from local residents (n =180) at two large shopping malls located in the franchise area of a professional soccer teamthat was promoted to the J-League Division Ⅱ in the 2009 season. The results indicate that theeffect of cognitive attitudes on behavioral intentions was stronger for older people than foryounger people. The research findings, managerial implications, limitations, and directions forfuture research are discussed.


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こんな論文どうですか? プロスポーツチームの上位リーグへの昇格が地元住民に及ぼす心理的影響--Jリーグディヴィジョン2に昇格したプロサッカークラブに着目して(吉田 政幸ほか),2011 https://t.co/2u1C20kv7J The iss…
CiNii 論文 -  プロスポーツチームの上位リーグへの昇格が地元住民に及ぼす心理的影響--Jリーグディヴィジョン2に昇格したプロサッカークラブに着目して http://t.co/Ccgw1VGJhd びわこ成蹊スポーツ大学のカターレに関する研究論文。(考察だけ読んだ)
自分が持ってる中で唯一、カターレ富山をネタにしている研究。「プロスポーツチームの上位リーグへの昇格が地元住民に及ぼす心理的影響 : Jリーグディヴィジョン2に昇格したプロサッカークラブに着目して」http://t.co/H7lYLCshFu

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