生沼 裕
北海道大学公共政策大学院 = Hokkaido University Public Policy School
年報公共政策学 (ISSN:18819818)
no.7, pp.211-238, 2013

For the purpose of evaluating the basic ordinances of local assemblies that have increasednationwide, this paper will compare the texts of the ordinances and analyze them, and examinewhether matters prescribed by the ordinances were really executed with 18 basic ordinances oflocal assemblies in Hokkaido as case studies.The results confirm that there were some differences in the contents prescribed by theordinances, and there were several cases that were not executed even though the ordinancesincluded the regulations that were the grounds for such.


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CiNii 論文 -  生沼裕「議会基本条例の分析と評価 : 北海道の議会基本条例を素材に」『年報 公共政策学』 http://t.co/429MoHhsH7 #CiNii

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