雨田 英一
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.62, no.1, pp.227-248, 2011-09

In this paper, I tried to investigate Nyosekan Hasegawa's motives for publishing "NIHON KYOUIKU NO DENTOU (Traditional Education of Japan)", and attempt to make clear the fundamental features and limits of Nyosekan Hasegawa's thought on the traditional education system of Japan.Nyosekan (1875-1969) claimed that all Japanese people were expected to inherit, continue and develop the Japanese traditional education that had been handed down from generation to generation since ancient times. He thought that Japanese-style living had made Japanese people into the Japanese nation and that it was the national education system of Japan which carried it out, but that the Western education system had weakened traditional Japanese education. The tradition had faded and died.Japan faced great hardship, Hasegawa awoke Japanese people up to the need for a change of life style. He worked to understand the traditional Japanese education. The focus of this paper is on:1. The opinions on tradition and national education in Japan of the magazine "NIPPON KYOUIKU" published in 1941.2. Hasegawa's thought on Japanese-style living, that had lasted since ancient times.3. An apprenticeship system that included both vocational education and character building as part of a traditional Japanese education.小論で私は,長谷川如是閑がなぜ1943年に『日本教育の伝統』を出版したのか,その動機を探り,彼の日本教育と伝統の思想について,その基本的な性格と限界を明らかにしようと努めた.長谷川如是閑(1875-1969)は すべての日本人は,古代から伝えられてきた日本教育の伝統を引き継ぎ,発展することを期待されているのだと主張した.彼は,日本国民は日本人の生活様式を具現した生活によって育成されてきたのであり,それが日本の国民教育であったとしていた.しかし,西洋の教育制度の影響によってその伝統が弱体化してきた.その伝統は弱まり,もはや生命力を持たない.日本は危機に瀕している,長谷川は,日本人に伝統的な生活様式を再生する必要性に目覚めさせ,その伝統を理解できるよう努めるべく,『日本教育の伝統』を出版したのだった.小論で焦点を当てたのは,1. 1941年に出版された『日本教育』誌上での伝統と国民教育についての論議。2. 古来から伝統として伝わった日本の生活様式についての長谷川の思想。3. 伝統的教育とされる,職業教育と人格教育を併せもった徒弟制度。


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CiNii 論文 -  戦時下における伝統と教育の問題(上)長谷川如是閑『日本教育の伝統』(1943年12月) http://t.co/lFasFcSIpU #CiNii

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