佐藤 廉也
地球社会統合科学 : 九州大学大学院地球社会統合科学府紀要 : bulletin of the Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Global Society, Kyushu University (ISSN:13411659)
vol.21, no.1, pp.1-28, 2014

エチオピア南西部の森林地帯に棲み、焼畑・蜂蜜採集・狩猟を主生業とするマジャンギルと植物との関係について、植物の利用と認知の両面から記述し、考察をおこなった。マジャンギル居住域および生業活動領域に生育する植物(栽培種38種、野生種269種)を採集し、野生種については標本を前にした聞き取りによって植物の方名、分類、生育地、利用(食料・飲料、建材・囲い、衣料・装飾、儀礼、薬、楽器・遊具、燃料、生業・生活道具、蜜源、間接的利用)に関する情報を得た。マジャンギルは方名を持つ野生種の65.4%を有用植物として認知していた。植物が生育する森林タイプ別に見ると、成熟林、長期休閑林、短期休閑林の順に有用と認識する植物の比率は高く、彼らの森における生業と植物の利用・認知との深い関わりが示唆された。In this paper, I described plant uses and related knowledge among the Majangir, who live in the forest located in Southwestern Ethiopia and have been engaged in swidden agriculture, honey collecting and hunting, to discuss on human-plant relationships in the densely forested habitat. I collected 38 domesticated plant species and 269 wild species found in their habitat and asked people about local names, classification, vegetation in which they are found and utility of wild species in front of specimens. As a result, I showed they recognize 65.4% of wild species as useful plants. They regard 87.5% of wild species found in primary forest, 86.8% in long-fallow forest, and 76.6% in short-fallow vegetation as useful. This may show that the depth of their knowledge on plants is related to the extent of importance of its habitat in terms of their subsistence activities.


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CiNii 論文 -  エチオピア南西部の森林農耕民マジャンギルの植物利用と認知 http://t.co/C7y8vCWGQ8 #CiNii

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