山近 博義
大阪教育大学紀要. 第2部門, 社会科学・生活科学 = Memoirs of Osaka Kyoiku University (ISSN:03893456)
vol.64, no.1, pp.25-42, 2015-09

本稿の目的は,近代京都を描いた大縮尺地図である京都市明細図の作製および利用過程の一端を明らかにすることである。そのため,原図の特徴と景観および作製年代,原図に上書きされた更新情報の内容と年代を検討した。その結果,原図は基本的な情報を掲載するベースマップ的な地図であること,個別の建物を把握できる点で,昭和前期の京都研究の貴重な資料となり得ること,原図の景観年代は1926年を中心とした時期と推定できることが明らかとなった。また,更新情報には,1920年代後半からの京都市の都市計画に伴う景観変化を示す情報,1940年代末~50年代初頭の個別の土地や建物の用途に関する情報など,複数の時期と内容が含まれることが確認できた。Kyoto-shi-meisai-zu is one of the large-scale maps of modern Kyoto City. It consists of about 290 maps and these maps are drawn to a scale of 1:1200. These maps are appreciated by reseachers, as important material for study on the landscape of Kyoto during the first half of the 20th century. The purpose of this article is to clarify the making and use process of these maps. Kyoto-shi-meisai-zu was made first in about 1926 and published by Japanese fire insurance association. These original maps made then were maps describing basic information such as the ground plan of individual buildings or the lot number of individual land. And less information about individual buildings was described on these original maps than on other fire insurance maps made in the United States of America, the United Kingdom or Japan. In Kyoto, city planning was enforced from the late 1920's. And the landscape of Kyoto has gradually changed. For example, widening of roads, construction of streetcars or land readjustment projects were implemented. These changes were described on new paper, and the new paper was stuck on the original maps of Kyoto-shi-meisai-zu. Furthermore, around 1950, the information such as a use and the number of floors of individual buildings was handwritten on each maps of Kyoto-shi-meisai-zu. In this way, plural update information was accumulated on the original maps of Kyoto-shi-meisai-zu. And the important characteristic of this map is to have described the detailed information of individual buildings. Therefore, it may be said that this map is presious material to study landscape of Kyoto during the early Showa-era.


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