小澤 かおる
no.36, pp.25-47, 2015-12

本稿では,2011年の国連決議に至る,性的少数者の権利に関する国際的な流れと,国連がどのような位置づけを行なっているかを概観したのち,告発の必要,承認の要求について述べ,テイラーの承認とアイデンティティについての議論を検討する.ここから「受容」を求めることには課題や限界性があること,「同一化受容戦略」には問題があることを述べる.さらに,性的少数者の場合,自己アイデンティティの追求と当事者コミュニティへの接続が必要であること,それらが人権に立脚していることを論ずる.United Nation resolved A/HRC/RES/17/19 in 2011 that recognized human rights and needs of examinations of SOGI people who have differences related "Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity". At Shibuya ward, Tokyo, Japan, the code called "partnership-code" was established on April 2015. It is outstanding that in some media news about this, a part of activists say that sexual minorities' actions are not only issues of human rights but are also matters as "same" as majorities' issues. This paper discusses that the needs accusations and the requests of recognizing differences to solve discriminations against sexual minorities. It is important to request acceptance from majorities, but "the acceptance-strategy by identification to majority" is not so good strategy. This paper also discusses that to inquire personal identity and to connect sexual minorities' communities is very important to each sexual minority on their growth. The viewpoint of human rights is not only the major issue to who not have been accepted from majorities but also the only one tool to live when they are not guarded by positive lows.


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QT 受容戦略の限界と個人的アイデンティティ追求の重要性 : 性的少数者の場合 https://t.co/QHzVNKf2PH
“CiNii 論文 -  受容戦略の限界と個人的アイデンティティ追求の重要性 : 性的少数者の場合” https://t.co/Zm944TuFSW

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