小川 剛生
国文学研究資料館紀要 文学研究篇 (ISSN:18802230)
no.31, pp.193-229, 2005-02

室町中期の歌人、姉小路基綱(一四四一〜一五○四)の伝記を考証した。基綱は応仁の乱後の公武歌壇を代表する歌人であり、後土御門天皇と足利義政に信任されて権中納言に昇進した。一方で、その父祖は南北朝時代から飛騨国北部に居住して独立した勢力を築いており、自身も守護方や敵対する国人との抗争を繰り返した。そのために姉小路家は飛騨国司と称され、後には公家出身の戦国大名の一に数えられている。このように基綱は生涯を通じて廷臣と領主との両面を併せ持っており、伝記はそうした視点から記述した。また歌人としての旺盛な活動はよく知られているところであるので、ここではもう一つの重要な文学的事蹟である、『春日社参記』と『延徳御八講記』の執筆とその意義を考察した。将軍の遊覧や宮中の法会を題材とする仮名日記は、朝廷・幕府に仕えて、文才をもってその権力を荘厳する役割を負った基綱には相応しい著作であるが、同時に飛鳥井雅親・三条西実隆・町広光らとの親しい交際から生まれたものでもあり、そこには基綱が公家社会に受け入れられ歌壇の中心として活躍し得た素地を見出すことができるのである。ANEGAKOJI-MOTOTSUNA姉小路基綱, probably ranks one of the most well known tanka-poet in the mid Muromachi era, was born in 1441.MOTOTSUNA had been engaged in two trade on his life: he belonged to the middle class aristocracy, served the court and finally raised to GON-CHUNAGON権中納言, on the other hand, he had left the capital and become a rustic lord of the north area in the Province of HIDA 飛騨国.At the first half of life, he often had to leave the capital to defend his land against SHUGO守護, a local magistrate of MUROMACHI-BAKUFU室町幕府 invating this area with the excuse that they ought to regulate against in justice and violence. In 1478, as a result of the 7-years conflict, he had managed to rule HURUKAWA-GO 古川郷, the small manor of north HIDA. It was not until this time that he served Emperor GO-TSUCHIMIKADO後土御門天皇and became famous as a poet. He was also KANA-NIKKI仮名日記dichter, authored several fine-prose reportage about the court ceremony.At the age of 25, yet so young, he attended Shogun ASHIKAGA-YOSHIMASA足利義政a visit to major temples and shrines in NANTO南都, such as KOFUKU-JI興福寺, KASUGA-SHA春日社and soon. He had described this 9-days journey instead of ASUKAI-MASACHIKA飛鳥井雅親, only poet-leader in the court. This short work is now called KASUGA-SHASAN-KI春日社参記. It looks like that he was a private secretary of MASACHIKA.In 1490, he attended a Buddhist service for KO-KARAKU-MON-IN故嘉楽門院, deceased mother of Emperor, and recorded reportage, known as ENTOKUGOHAKKOU-KI延徳御八講記. SANJONISHI-SANETAKA三条西実隆and Emperor GO-TSUCHIMIKADO wrote a postscript to pay tribute to this work. It was needless to say that MOTOTSUNA had got skilled at this sort of reportage written in KANA. However, SANETAKA, well-informed on the manner of the court, had evidently given a few pointers.Closely acquainted with well-connected courtier, MASACHIKA, SANETAKA and soon, MOTOTSUNA got returned to the court and regarded as one of the most important literary-leader in the japanische Renaissance after ONIN-NO-RAN応仁の乱.At the last in life, suffering from unexpected famine, he had gone to the Province again, died the rein 1504.


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