高田 宗平
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.163, pp.265-292[含 英語文要旨], 2011-03

日本古代の『論語』注釈書の受容について、日本史学では『論語集解』のそれに関しては研究が見られるものの、『論語義疏』については等閑に付されてきた。このことに鑑み、『論語義疏』を引用する日本古代典籍の性格、成立時期、撰者周辺の人的関係を追究すること、古代の蔵書目録から『論語義疏』を捜索すること、古代の古記録から『論語義疏』受容の事跡を渉猟すること、等から、日本古代の『論語義疏』受容の諸相とその変遷を検討した。『論語義疏』は、天平一〇年(七三八)頃には既に、日本に伝来しており、奈良・平安時代を通じて、親王・公卿・中下級貴族・官人・釈家に受容され、浸透していた。八~九世紀では「古記」・「釈」・「讃」の撰者である明法官人によって律令解釈に、一〇世紀末~一一世紀初頭に於いては皇胤である具平親王が『止観輔行伝弘決』所引外典の講究のために、更に、一一世紀前半では明法博士惟宗允亮が朝儀・吏務の先例を明らかにするために、右大臣藤原実資が有職故実の理解のために、それぞれ『論語義疏』を利用していた。また、釈家では、九世紀で空海、一〇世紀で法相宗興福寺の中算が『論語義疏』を利用していたが、一一世紀後半に至ると、仏典を始め多様な日本古典籍に『論語義疏』が利用された。そして、一二世紀前半では、左大臣藤原頼長が幾多の漢籍を講読したが、その一つとして『論語義疏』を講読していた。就中、具平親王の周辺や藤原頼長の周辺に、文才に長けた公卿並びに中下級の貴族や官人である文人・学者が集まり、両者はともにそれぞれの時期の論壇の中心となって、漢籍・漢学の講究・談義が行われた。そこに於いて、講読されていたものの一つが『論語義疏』である。Regarding the acceptance of the commentaries of the "Analects of confucius" in ancient Japan, Japanese historical studies have discussed "Lunyu–jijie", but have paid little attention to "Lunyu–yishu". This article examines various aspects of the acceptance of "Lunyu–yishu" in ancient Japan and its historical development by the following methods : investigation of the nature of ancient Japanese books quoting "Lunyu–yishu", the time of their formation, and human relationships around the editors; search of "Lunyu–yishu" in the ancient inventory of books; and search of the evidence of the acceptance of "Lunyu–yishu" in ancient historical records."Lunyu–yishu" was introduced to Japan in 738 ( Tenpyo 10) , and was accepted by Imperial princes, court nobles, middlegrade and lowgrade nobles, officials, priests of Buddhism, etc., and permeated among them through the Nara period and the Heian period.From the 8th to 9th century, "Lunyu–yishu" was used by legal officials, who were the editors of "Koki", "Shaku", and "San", to interpret legal codes. From the end of the 10th century to the beginning of the 11th century, it was used by Prince Tomohira, who was an imperial descendant, to investigate non–Buddhist scriptures quoted in "Shikan–bugyoden–guketsu". In the first half of the 11th century, it was used by Koremune–no–Tadasuke, who was a teacher in laws and ethics, to clarify the precedents of court ceremonies and official duties, and by Fujiwara–no–Sanesuke, who was the Minister of the Right, to understand the ancient practices and usages. Among the priests of Buddhism, Kukai used "Lunyu–yishu" in the 9th century, and Chuzan of the Kohfuku–ji Temple of the Dharma– character school in the 10th century. In the last half of the 11th century, "Lunyu–yishu" was used in various Japanese classical books including Buddhist Scriptures. In the first half of the 12th century, Fujiwara–no–Yorinaga, who was the Minister of the Left, lectured on many Chinese classical books, one of which was "Lunyu–yishu".Writers and scholars with literary talent, who were also court nobles, middlegrade and lowgrade nobles, and officials, gathered especially around Prince Tomohira and Fujiwara–no–Yorinaga. Both of them played a key role in lectures and discussions on Chinese writings and literature in respective times. One of the books treated in such activities was "Lunyu–yishu".


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