- 著者
酒井 茂幸
- 出版者
- 国文学研究資料館
- 雑誌
- 国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature (ISSN:18802230)
- 巻号頁・発行日
- no.42, pp.119-149, 2016-03-12
稿者はこれまで、中世から近世に至る、禁裏・仙洞御文庫における蔵書形成の歴史を明らかにする目録学的研究を行ってきた。本稿では宮内庁書陵部蔵『歌書目録』収載の定数歌・歌会の蔵書群を主に取り上げ、霊元院の仙洞の読書を支えた歌書の書写や収蔵について考察する。宮内庁書陵部蔵『歌書目録』収載の定数歌・歌会の中には、久保木秀夫によって万治四年(一六六一)の禁裏火災により焼失した伝本の副本と認定された三四点が含まれる。今回の調査ではこれを上回る五一点が該当することが確認された。すると、霊元院の仙洞御所の御文庫は、後西天皇の禁裏文庫をそのまま引き継いでいることになる。そして、同目録収載の定数歌・歌会には、『新類題和歌集』の編纂時に霊元院とその近臣により歌頭に付された藍色菱形不審紙が三五点に見出される。目録収載の一群の蔵書は、享保年間(一七一六~一七三六) (正確には崩御の一七年)まで霊元院仙洞の御文庫に所蔵されていたことが判明する。院の側近であった烏丸光栄の日記『光栄卿記』に拠ると、享保期には霊元院の仙洞御所において、『新類題和歌集』編纂に際しての「抜書」や「校合」の作業とは関わりのない場面で歌書の献上や書写が行われている。それらの記事からは、院がより書写が古く由来が確かな伝本を探求し、また近世写本の校合による本文研究を行っていたことが知られる。The catalog scholarly study by which a draft person makes the history of ownership formation in an imperial court senhorao library to the modernized world clear from the Middle Ages up to now, I went visit. An ownership group of a fixed number song tanka party of the Imperial Household Agency note Sasakibe warehouse "Utakaki catalog" listing is taken up mainly by writing and it's considered about a copying and keeping of Utakaki who supported reading of senhora in Reigen in.Fixed number song of the Imperial Household Agency note Sasakibe warehouse "Utagaki catalog" listing A duplicate of the handed-down manuscript burned away by imperial court fire in 1661 (1661) and authorized 34 points are included by Mr. Hideo Kuboki in the tanka party. It was confirmed that 51 points which exceed this in this investigation are relevant. Then a library in Sento-gosho in Reigen in will take an imperial court library of Gosai emperor over just as it is. And fixed number song of the said catalog listing The blue rhombic doubtful paper put by the trusted vassal to Kato with Reigen in at the time of compilation of "new similar problem anthology of waka poems" is found by 35 points in a tanka party. It's revealed that you possessed ownership of a group of catalog listing in a library in Reigen insenhora to the Kyoho year (1716-1736) (correctly, 17 years of demise).When it depends on diary of Karasuma Koei which was a staff of in "honor Lord account", extraction on the occasion of "a new similar problem, anthology of waka poems" compilation and work of proofreading are the situation which has no concerning in Sento-gosho in Reigen in in a Kyoho period, and Utakaki's presentation and copying are performed. It's learned from those articles a copying was older and origin searched for a certain handed-down manuscript, and that in was doing a body study by proofreading of a modern period manuscript again.