中林 一樹 高見沢 邦郎 藤原 徹
総合都市研究 (ISSN:03863506)
no.48, pp.p69-107, 1993-03

建物の用途や形態の制限に関する用途地域・容積率規定・高度地区等いわゆる地域地区制度は、大正8年以来、わが国の市街地土地利用計画制度の根幹をなしている制度である。この地域地区は、これまでに制度的改定に加えてその具体的運用である地域での指定の見直し改定が繰り返されてきた。本研究は、1968年に現都市計画法が新訂され、1973年の全面指定替え以降1981年に続く3回目の全面見直しであった1989年指定替えの実態を、実際的改定作業を担当した東京都の各区市の担当部局へのアンケート調査から分析したものである。基本地域が4種から8種になった1973年改定の実態と比較しつつ以下の点を分析・考察した。第ーに、土地利用計画の大枠を規定する東京都の指定の方針を比較分析すると、今回の方針が「整備の促進」を前提としつつも環境保全的基調から開発・再開発促進的基調に変換していること。第二に、実態的に改定内容を分析すると、結果的には大幅な改定となっている。その内容は規制の緩和の方向への見直しが基調で、用途規制の緩和のみならず、とくに指定容積率においては平均的に区部で9.5%、市部(19市)で6.9%の増加を見ていること。第三に、改定手続きとしては、審議会の運営は1973年以降定着しているが、地元説明会の開催やそれへの市民の参加状況、陳情等住民要望の状況を見ると、形式的には実施されているといえるものの実質的な住民参加は低調であったといえよう。Japan's first land use zoning regulation system was established in 1919,when the first modern town Planning Act and Building Standard Act were promulgated. With the revision of the Town Planning Act in 1968,the number of basic types of zones in the land zoning system increased from four to eight. In 1973,all the old land use control zones were canceled and newly designated. Since then,two major revisions of zone designation have taken place,in 1981 and 1989. It is of interest how the new land use regulation zones were designated,because the zoning regulation system is the most basic method for land use management and promotion of planned land use. Also,a new zoning regulation system is being prepared,with designation of new zones to be completed in several years. In the new system,the three existing residential zones are replaced with seven new ones. The quality of Tokyo's residential environment will be determined by how these new residential zones are designated,basically by whether deregulation or regularization,such as down-zoning,is implemented. This study investigates the course and circumstances of the 1989 zoning revision in comparison with the re-designation between 1973 and 1989. It contributes to the discussion on the management policy for the new zoning regulation system and the format of re-designation. We distributed questionnaires to all local government planning departments (on the level of ku-municipal borough and shi-city). Twenty-three ku-authorities(100%) and 19 shi-authorities (70%) returned the questionnaire that dealt with zoning regulation planning,zone proportion change,zoning draft plan,new designation plan,designation procedure (such as public hearings), public opinion surveys,composition and management of committees,etc. In contrast to the 1973 regularization,the 1989 land use control policy is based on deregulation of individual building construction and redevelopment. The basic assumption is that improvement of infrastructure must be promoted through cooperation between government and the private sector,but individual construction and develpment are deregulated. The existing land use regulation was largely revised in direction of deregulation of both land use control and building bulk ratios. Expecially,the new maximum bulk ratio permits an average ratio increase of 9.5% in inner Tokyo (ku-area) and 6.9% in outer Tokyo (shi-area). Finally,not only the number of public opinions collected but also the number of participants in the public hearings is lower than in 1973. One of reasons may be that many houses in inner Tokyo need to be rebuilt or renewed,because they were built about 30 years ago and thus are superannuated today. However,it is not easy to build a desirable house because of the small size of each site. Therefore,many owners hope for a relaxation of the building and bulk ratio regulations.


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こんな論文どうですか? 東京における1989年指定替え実態からみた用途地域制度に関する考察(中林 一樹ほか),1993 https://t.co/swkr9FdmU7

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