松尾 尊〔ヨシ〕
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.65, no.6, pp.p867-899, 1982-11

個人情報保護のため削除部分あり加藤友三郎内閣(一九二二年六月〜二三年八月) は貴族院を基礎とする非政党内閣であったにもかかわらず、衆議院議員選挙法改正の必要を認め、まず政府内に調査会を設置した。一九二三年はじめの第四六議会では、前議会同様の普選運動が展開し、大都市から、地方の小都市・農村へと侵透した。議席の過半数を占める政友会は、野党の統一普選法案を一蹴したが、新党議の地租委譲(国税→地方税) は選挙権の大拡張を必然化した。野党第一党の憲政会は政権担当の可能性を確実なものにするために、普選運動の煽動から統制へと態度を改め、各地の市民・農民政社を傘下におさめることにつとめた。他方日本共産党は、無産階級の普選運動参加はブルジョワジーの支配を安定さすことになるとして、これにブレーキをかけた。一九二三年六月、衆議院議員選挙法調査会は有権者の約三倍増を答申し、政府はこれを重要法律案の予備審査機関たる法制審議会に諮問した。加藤内閣によって選挙法改正は一九一九年いらいはじめて政治日程に上り、次期山本内閣にひきつがれる。Although the Government of Katô (Jun. 1922-Aug. 1923), based on the House of Peers, was never a party cabinet, it recognized the necessity for revising the election law; it organized an Advisory Committee under the Cabinet as the first step toward the rivision. On the other hand, early in 1923, the movement for the universal suffrage was noticeable during the 46th session of the Diet as much as in the previous one. The movement spread out of larger cities through local towns to the country. Meanwhile the ruling party, Seiyûkai 政友会, could easily kill the universal suffrage bill introduced by the opposition parties in chorus. But, in another context, the Seiyûkai determined to transfer the management of the land tax from the government to the local government, which made larger enfranchisement inevitable. For fear of missing the chance to take the helm of state affairs, the leading opposition party, Kenseikai 憲政会, which had instigated the universal suffrage movement, thereafter tried to control the political associations which were organized among the citizens and the farmers in various places. The Japan Communist Party tried to keep the proletariat from joining in the movement, because they were afraid that it might result in the stabilization of the bourgeois rule. In June 1923, the Advisory Committee on the Election Law in the House of Representatives suggested that the number of the enfranchised people should be tripled. The government referred this suggestion to the Hôsei-Shingikai 法制審議会, Legislative Council, which was in charge of investigating the important bills in advance. Thus, since the previous revision of the election law (1919), it was not till the Government of Katô that the new revisions was actually inscribed on the political calendar. And the cabinet of Yamamoto 山本 took over the revision work.


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こんな論文どうですか? 加藤友三郎内閣期の選挙法改正問題(松尾 尊〔ヨシ〕),1982 https://t.co/Z2oCTgSZ5U 個人情報保護のため削除部分あり加藤友三郎内閣(一九二二年六月〜二三年八月) は貴族院を基礎とする非政党内閣であっ…
CiNii 論文 -  加藤友三郎内閣期の選挙法改正問題 https://t.co/KeyOcjOnlG #CiNii

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