西尾 久美子
現代社会研究科論集 = Contemporary society bulletin : 京都女子大学大学院現代社会研究科博士後期課程研究紀要 (ISSN:18820921)
no.14, pp.1-14, 2020-03

The main purpose of this research is to contribute to the literature related to management studies and studies on performing arts education by shedding light on the collaboration creation value to customers and performers. The research compares the process of career development for Kyoto Hanamachi and the Takarazuka Revue to illuminate respective characteristics and developmental patterns. The Japanese cases show the process of a century long educational modernization based on Kyoto hanamachi school models for the sake of social advancement of female students and better management of high Takarazuka performance quality. The career path of those cases performers is clearly defined. Personnel training is by a system based on career development. They are members of their developmental networks including customers. As a result, their skills and technique level become clear in their community. In conclusion, the research shows how the result can provide a useful analytical framework for future research in the related field.


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CiNii 論文 -  価値共創人材のキャリア形成 : 京都花街と宝塚歌劇の事例 https://t.co/TB8SA9hcVH 比較対象選択について考え込んでしまうけど、タカラジェンヌのキャリア形成過程を見守ることも宝塚の楽しみの中に含まれているということについて再考
CiNii 論文 -  価値共創人材のキャリア形成 : 京都花街と宝塚歌劇の事例 https://t.co/fpD4b4Jzmc #CiNii

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