川嶋 かほる 山中 英明
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.58, no.11, pp.2175-2180, 1992
21 43

Scallop adductor muscle was examined for changes in contents of ATP and its related com-pounds, arginine phosphate, octopine, arginine, polyamines, and lactic acids during storage at 5, 0, and -3°C.<br> The decrease in ATP and arginine phosphate and the increase in octopine were faster at -3, 0, and 5°C, in that order. During storage, a low level of AMP accumulation, a rapid increase in inosine, and a gradual increase in hypoxanthine were observed. The K value increased fastest at -3°C, and slowest at 5°C, as opposed to the case of fish and prawn. However, results of sensory evaluation indicated that decomposition progressed fastest at 5°C. IMP as well as adenosine was detected during storage, suggesting AMP degraded through two pathways. L-Lactic acid was detected in a small amount, but D-lactic acid was detected in a fairly large amount and accumulated as decomposition progressed. Not only octopine but also D-lactic acid was thought to be the end-products of glycolysis in scallop adductor muscle. As for polyamines, agmatine, putrescine, cadaverine, and tryptamine were detected as decomposition progressed.


外部データベース (DOI)

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こんな論文どうですか? ホタテガイ閉殻筋の死後変化に及ぼす貯蔵温度の影響〔英文〕(川嶋 かほるほか),1992 http://t.co/9TjhD8XF

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